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Vice President Kamala Harris is in Houston on Wednesday to address a gathering of a Black sorority and to headline a fundraiser in the city. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump sat down for a combative Q&A at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago – an ...
his company posted a link to an interview in which Sajwani said he was open to more deals with the Trump Organization under the headline, “Sajwani: Open for New Trump Projects.”
Global warming news: 100,000 Russian migrants fleeing climate change about to march into Ukraine Future headline: Donald Trump to buy CNN for one dollar Georgia Governor Stacy Abrams feels honored to be the new Supreme Court justice President Biden: 'Vote for me or I'll shoot this foot' Fact...
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story and headline incorrectly described the timeframe for the previous highest daily increase in coronavirus cases. The previous highest daily increase was at the beginning of the pandemic.12:17 a.m. 23:28:39, September 25, 2020 Fauci: "There's good...
One thing I notice though if I click on the headline shown in the notifications area the story is never ever found. It takes me to a different story that I did not want to view. Now this might be operator error but I would recommend this app. for all that want to view CNN stuff....
fend them off. Around Labor Day of 1981we decided to create CNN2, an all-news channel with a thirty-minute cycle of headline stories.With Satellite News Channel planning to launch in June of 1982, we announced that our new service would begin six months before theirs, on January 1. We ...
当局截获的可疑爆炸装置(图:nbcnews) 美国中期选举临近,包括前总统奥巴马寓所、克林顿夫妇寓所和美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)在内的多个地方,接连于周二及周三(23及24日)发现疑似爆炸装置及炸弹,其中,送往CNN的包裹中装有已经激活的爆炸装置和白色粉末信封。
长安街知事消息,当地时间3月12日,美国总统特朗普表示不担心曾接触过新冠确诊人士。美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)则曝出特朗普其实很担心成为密接者。 长安街知事注意到,CNN的报道并非为博眼球,12日曾与特朗普合影并交谈的巴西总统府媒体事务部门负责人确诊新冠肺炎。
attracting the interest of other media players, as Westinghouse launched a takeover attempt. Back in Atlanta, Turner added a second channel to his new network in January 1982 —CNN Headline News— while fending off Westinghouse. CNN was soon attracting more subscribers and more viewers. By ...