Is it: A) Google, B) Intel, C) Microsoft or D) Apple? You've got three seconds -- GO! Software giant Microsoft is buying part of Facebook. And now you know one of the answers to our free weekly Newsquiz at ! That's your answer and that's your Shoutout!
(CNNStudentNews)-May12,2014...103 (CNNStudentNews)-May9,2014...109 (CNNStudentNews)-May8,2014... 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 wet980383
Is it: A) Google, B) Intel, C) Microsoft or D) Apple? You've got three seconds -- GO! Software giant Microsoft is buying part of Facebook. And now you know one of the answers to our free weekly Newsquiz at ! That's your answer and that's your Shoutout!
You've got three seconds -- GO! Software giant Microsoft is buying part of Facebook. And now you know one of the answers to our free weekly Newsquiz at ! That's your answer and that's your Shoutout! Stake in FacebookLLOYD: Judging by the numbers of Facebook users, a lot of you...
You've got three seconds -- GO! Software giant Microsoft is buying part of Facebook. And now you know one of the answers to our free weekly Newsquiz at ! That's your answer and that's your Shoutout! Stake in FacebookLLOYD: Judging by the numbers of Facebook users, a lot of you...
You've got three seconds -- GO! Software giant Microsoft is buying part of Facebook. And now you know one of the answers to our free weekly Newsquiz at ! That's your answer and that's your Shoutout! Stake in FacebookLLOYD: Judging by the numbers of Facebook users, a lot of you...
🧠Quiz answer: B. Universal Orlando said Epic Universewill open in May 2025.Test your knowledge with CNN’s weekly news quiz in tomorrow morning’s 5 Things newsletter. 📧 Check out all ofCNN’s newsletters. 5 Things PM is produced by CNN’s Tricia Escobedo, Meghan Pryce and Kimberly ...
🧠Quiz answer:C.El Niño has come to an end, setting the stage for La Niña to arrive later this summer. Test your news IQ with our weekly news quiz in tomorrow morning’s5 Things newsletter. 📧 Check out all ofCNN’s newsletters. ...
🧠 Quiz answer: C. O’Brien will receive the award at a Kennedy Center gala featuring some of the biggest names in comedy. Test your knowledge with CNN’s weekly news quiz in tomorrow morning’s 5 Things newsletter.📧 Check out all of CNN’s newsletters. 5 Things PM is produced by...
During testing, we experienced Busuu’s approach to learning, which was to have us say basic words and phrases — such as “Excuse me” in French — followed by taking a short quiz where we answered a question about the phrase. But there was little explanation offered to us as to what...