解释"network plugin returns error: cni plugin not initialized"错误信息的含义 这个错误信息表明Kubernetes集群中的网络插件(Network Plugin)没有正确初始化。在Kubernetes中,网络插件负责为Pod分配IP地址并处理Pod之间的网络通信。如果网络插件未能正确初始化,Kubernetes将无法启动Pod的网络配置,从而导致节点显示为"NotReady...
NotReadymessage:Network plugin returnserror:cni plugin not initialized 执行journalctl -u kubelet | tee tmp.log,检查kubelet的日志,看到如下报错: 12月0210:16:35xxxxx kubelet[10037]:E120210:16:35.13270110037remote_runtime.go:193]"RunPodSandbox from runtime service failed"err="rpc error: code = Unkn...
NotReady message:Network plugin returns error: cni plugin not initialized 执行journalctl -u kubelet | tee tmp.log,检查kubelet的日志,看到如下报错: 12月 02 10:16:35 xxxxx kubelet[10037]: E1202 10:16:35.132701 10037 remote_runtime.go:193] "RunPodSandbox from runtime service failed" err="rpc...
Since "kubectl describe" has "connection is unauthorized", I searched source code of K8S v1.21.1. K8S code does NOT has it. Then search it in Calico v3.22 (I am using V3.18.4, but there is not be big difference), find that "connection is unauthorized" exist in "libcalico-go/lib/...
container runtime network not ready: NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:Network plugin returns error: cni plugin not initialized Now my node isn't reporting any error and is in the "READY" state rudesome closed this as completed May 22, 2022 Sign up for free to join thi...
CNI互联网软件是一个可执行程序,是遵循器皿网线端口(CNI)标准的互联网软件。普遍的 CNI互联网软件包含 Calico、flannel、Terway、Weave Net等。 当kubelet挑选应用CNI种类的互联网软件时(根据kubelet运行主要参数特定),kubelet在建立pod、删掉pod的情况下,会启用CNI互联网软件来做pod的搭建互联网和消毁互联网等实际操作...
struct dockerService中的network属性是struct PluginManager类型,在该结构体初始化时会将具体的网络插件结构体如struct cniNetworkPlugin存储进该属性。 创建pod、删除pod时会根据dockerService结构体的network属性里面存储的具体的网络插件结构体,去调用某个具体网络插件(如cniNetworkPlugin)的SetUpPod、TearDownPod方法来构建...
AWS_VPC_K8S_PLUGIN_LOG_LEVEL Type: StringDefault: DEBUGValid Values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL. (Not case sensitive)Specifies the loglevel for aws-cni plugin.INTROSPECTION_BIND_ADDRESS Type: StringDefault: the bind address for the introspection endpoint....
Expected Behavior Calico CNI plugin tears down Pod in a timely manner. Current Behavior Calico CNI plugin shows errors terminating Pods, and therefore eviction takes too long. Especially relevant in Kubernetes conformance testing. Aug 18...