The fluctuation of RMB HIBOR increased this quarter, while RMB SHIBOR kept stable, the gap between on-shore and offshore RMB interest rates narrowed. 圖 1:3 個月 SHIBOR 及 LIBOR 走勢及利差 圖 2:CNY 及 CNH 兌美元匯率走勢及匯差 圖表資料來源:Bloomberg III 人民幣兌美元持續貶值後反彈啟穩, ...
The fluctuation of RMB HIBOR increased this quarter, while RMB SHIBOR kept stable, the gap between on-shore and offshore RMB interest rates narrowed. 图 1:3 个月 SHIBOR 及 LIBOR 走势及利差 图 2:CNY 及 CNH 兑美元汇率走势及汇差 图表数据来源:Bloomberg III 人民币兑美元持续贬值后反弹启稳, ...