3.7 [测量] 单位 unit [of measurement] [计量] 单位 为定量表示同种量的大小而约定地定义和采用的特定量. 注: 1. 测量单位具有约定地赋予的名称和符号. 2. 同量纲量 (不一定是同种量) 的单位可有相同的名称和符号. 3.8 [测量] 单位符号 symbol of a unit [of measurement] [计量] 单位符号 表示...
美国能源署(EPA)检测过程概述:压缩自然气(CNG)加油站说明书 EPO No. 28 Examination Procedure Outline for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)Retail Motor-Fuel Dispensers It is recommended that this outline be followed for examining retail motor-fuel dispensers used to measure compressed natural gas. Non...
3. Fuel Dispensers: choice of up to three different fuel sources; 4. Flow Volume: (1-30)kg/min; 5. Measure Accuracy: Grade 0.5; 6. Specified Pressure: 20MPa; 7. Repeat ability: 1/2 of Measure Accuracy; 8. Explosion-Proof Grade: Exdibemb II AT3 Gb; 9. Environmenta...
Fule capacity: 19 kg CNG Fuel capacity (petrol): 25 L Range (CNG): 500 km Range (combined): 950 km Cubic Capacity: 1984 cm Door Count:4 Doors Fuel consumption combined: 4.4 – 3.8 kg/100 km CO2-Emissions combined: 117 – 100 g/km Basic fuel type: Natural Gas Energy efficiency clas...
To elucidate the operation of the CNGB1b subunit in the concert with the two CNGA2 subunits and the CcCaNNteGGdABin14bts(huReb6uc5na7riEtto)ino(nCCsNNiGnGBaAn12b:aARnE4a)1:lB1o,11g7bu. Techhmeasanennnmeelusr,tbwatyeiorunesdseadcrrteowshosoemms.uoTtlhoanegutRes/uEtboumCnuNittsGatCAioN2n...
natural gas (CNG) filling machine is used for filling stations trade settlement of the filling equipment,which is computer-controlled part of a high-performance industrial micro-processing chip can be maintain high stabilityin the harsh environment.Use high-precision mass flow as a measure of core...
·Nnr;where ṁf is the fuel mass flow rate per unit time, Pi is the indicated engine power, Wc,i is the indicated work per cycle calculated by integrating the p-V curve (Wc,i=∫pdV), N is crankshaft rotational speed, nr is the the number of crank revolutions for each power ...
These Brief Operating Instructions are not intended to replace the Operating Instructions provided in the scope of supply. Detailed information is provided in the Operating Instructions and the additional documentation on the CD-ROM supplied.Depending on the device version, the complete device documentatio...
of the machine indicative of a voltage of the power supply, the power supply configured to receive power from an alternator driven by the compression-ignition engine; and a controller configured to: monitor the voltage of the power supply based on the voltage data acquired by the voltage sensor...
In addition, the invention also provides a step to start charging, a first CNG shot step, a step to measure a goal value of charging, a step to confirm time, a step to calculate the average value of the goal value of charging, a proper amount charging mode step, a step to close a...