NP-complete problemCNF-SAT satisfiabilitypotential functionapproximate algorithmprobabilitycomplexityFrom the SAT physical model, a physical hypothesis named PHHY is proposed. By PHHY, it is proved that there is a universally efficient algorithm for solving SAT problem. Then, by square packing problem,...
The satisfiability problem (SAT) for Boolean formulas in conjunctive normal form (CNF) is one of the first NP-complete problems [2, 13]. Since its NP-completeness currently leaves no hope for polynomial-time algorithms, the progress goes by decreasing the exponent. There are several versions of...
In this paper, we discussed CNF-SAT problem (NP-Complete problem) and analysis two solutions that can solve the problem, the PL-Resolution algorithm and the WalkSAT algorithm. PL-Resolution is a sound and complete algorithm that can be used to determine satisfiability and unsatisfiability with ...
From the SAT physical model,a physical hypothesis named PHHY is proposed.By PHY,it is proved that there is a universally efficient algorithm for solving SAT problem.Then,by square packing problem,the authors show that thre are interesting industrial NP-complete problems which can be solved ...
1998; Hirsch 2003; Schuler The satisfiability problem ( SAT) for Boolean formulas in conjunctive normal form ( CNF) is one of the first NP-complete problems [2, 13]. Since its NP-completeness...Hirsch, Edward A.E. A. Hirsch. Exact Algorithm for General CNF SAT. Encyclopedia of ...
In Section 5 we prove that: The 2-SAT problem for regular CNF formulas is NPcomplete ---even if the truth value set N is a complete...The SAT problem of signed CNF formulas - Beckert, Hähnle, et al. - 2000