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Dans le ventre mou du classement, France 5 a de quoi s'inquiéter. Sa cinquième place est de plus en plus convoitée par C8, qui gagne trois positions sur un an. La chaîne du groupe Canal+ signe ce mois-ci des scores supérieurs à TMC, BFMTV et A...
"The fire continues to progress towards Pennes-Mirabeau and Marseille. Many homes are in this direction... The situation is now unfavorable," BFMTV reported, quoting firefighters.
At 15:40 local time (1340 GMT), a man with his vehicle crashed into police van near the presidential Palace. His car had caught fire due to a gas cylinder on board which likely triggered the fire, according to BFMTV news channel. The 31-year-old driver was armed and has been already...
The latest victim, a 36-year-old man, was hit by a truck stopped near a motorway where demonstrators had been gathering and blocking the passage, the BFMTV news channel reported. Nine others have died in incidents linked to the movement, mostly from traffic accidents caused by roadblocks, si...
PARIS, 17 décembre (Xinhua) -- Un homme armé s'est retranché jeudi soir dans une entreprise de Domont, dans le département du Val-d'Oise, a rapporté BFMTV. Selon le reportage, le preneur d'otage est le gérant de cette entreprise et retient son épouse. Plusieurs personnes se ...
"La Tour Eiffel est une vieille dame, on la réveille doucement et délicatement", a déclaré Jean-François Martins, président de la société d'exploitation de la Tour Eiffel, sur la chaîne BFMTV ce vendredi. Si de nombreux lieux culturels ont rouvert depuis le 19 mai dernier, la...
优势供应AB,西门子,FANUC,施耐德,ABB,伊顿,霍尼韦尔,GE等进口备件产品——大德汇成-张工 电话18120769972 (微信同号) QQ2265906957(邮箱同号) 8EAC0130.000-1 131F0428 Danfoss M6284D1000 LC1D95 NSX630N/630A NSX250N/TM250D 250A GV2-ME14c GV2-ME10c ...
was created in a lab in Wuhan sounded "a conspiracy vision that does not relate to the real science," said Jean-Francois Delfraissy, an immunologist and head of the scientific council that advises the French government on the COVID-19 pandemic, when interviewed by French television BFM TV....