可能需要先检查一下网络状况(打开Windows PowerShell(开始菜单里可以搜到)输入Test-NetConnection peerchat.server.cnc-online.net -port 6667按回车,然后把截图发一下 来自Android客户端8楼2021-12-02 15:20 收起回复 CyberOrtek 蜻蜓 1 我想联机红警3很久了,这几年来我下了好几次CNC Online没有一次成功的,全...
Accompanying decades of experience and profession in our business of CNC (Computer Numerical Control) spare parts for machine tools,EASYCNC has become one leading global supplier who firmly focuses on providing our worldwide customers with prevailing pro
(大发现) CNCO..前因:过年回家想和兄弟玩联机战役,自从他装了橘子正版ra3之后,CNCOnline 一直报缺少dll,然后我们就没玩过联机战役了这几天心血来潮想把他正版卸了装盗版打联机,但是他却死活连不上,网上百度发
Open Source - Revora/CnC-Online Client C&C:Online is a community-made and -managed online server for Generals, Zero Hour, Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath, and Red Alert 3, allowing you to log in and continue playing online just like you could when GameSpy's servers were still online. Descr...
基本的红警3新官网(CNC online)注册使用教程附带新官网网站:https://www.cnc-online.net/zh-hans/ 红警系列配套游戏安装包百度网盘地址:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Y88CZ8LKm_E5DXBJfamvBA 提取码:5rnm 配套安装包里有红警1,红警2(原版和尤里复仇整合(好像是
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server.cnc-online.net可以打开http://也可以新官网也注册了也是用新官网的启动器开的,但就是显示无法连接后端服务器--- C&C:Online Launcher Start ---Game: Red Alert 3Red Alert 3 Install Path: F:\redalert3\Red Alert 3\Started game with: "RA3.exe "Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_...
由于up本人只用cnc online联机RA3,因此关于凯恩之怒等的联机问题无法解决。 出现提示Could not write value Debugger to key\Software\Microsoft\Windows Nt\CurrentVersion\Image FileExecution Options\CNC3(CNC3EP1、RA3、generals).exe. Verify that you havesufficient access to that key,or contact your supportpe...
cnc online..有人知道这个怎么解决嘛想用cnc online跟同学打联机战役,但是按照吧里和b站的教程全套搞定之后在游戏里登录显示无法连接这该怎么处理呢加速了也并没有用,斧牛和海豚都试了,各个节点和美服国服俄服挨个尝试了一遍,都连不上