5. How were the ideas and propositions of the fan community submitted to you?粉丝社群的想法和主张是怎么传达给您的呢?I either found them myself while reading the forums, or another team member would find something and bring it to my attention. The community team (Apoc mostly) also gave us...
C&C:Online is a community-made and -managed online server for Generals, Zero Hour, Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath, and Red Alert 3, allowing you to log in and continue playing online just like you could when GameSpy's servers were still online. Description This project provides a patch thro...
I worked very directly with the community. As many of you probably know we would fly in "pro" C&C players from all over the world to help play and balance the game. In addition to that I would monitor many of the C&C forums daily, especially GameReplays.org, to get the "pulse" ...
en_US-components/common/EmailVerification-1739461266313":{"__typename":"CachedAsset","id":"text:en_US-components/common/EmailVerification-1739461266313","value":{"email.verification.title":"Email Verification Required","email.verification.message.update.email":"To participate in the community, you ...
#9: This is normal. Campaign missions are more than just a .ini and a .bin; they have an additional file to make small graphics fixes to the map, since Westwood often connected tiles in not-quite-correct ways. You'll have to dig into the remaster .meg files and see how that system...
Mods & Resources by the Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour (C&C: GZH) Modding Community
Big news from Germany on the next C&C: It will not be Generals 2 available via retail, but a "free to play" game called Command and Conquer, of which Generals 2 will be the "lead product." EA Community Manager CIRE explains: Today at gamescom, we announced a bold move for EA an...
Screenshots look excellent, I might just have to reinstall Generals for this mod! Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote Chunky - Jul 8 2007 - 1,414 comments Reduce image sizes to 20k or lower before resubmitting. Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote PlayMp1 - Jul 13 2007 - 61 commen...
5. How were the ideas and propositions of the fan community submitted to you? 粉丝社群的想法和主张是怎么传达给您的呢? I either found them myself while reading the forums, or another team member would find something and bring it to my attention. The community team (Apoc mostly) also gave...
C&C:Online is a community-made and -managed online server for Generals, Zero Hour, Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath, and Red Alert 3, allowing you to log in and continue playing online just like you could when GameSpy's servers were still online. Description This project provides a patch thro...