CNBF-D7070-010-PP-M 替代3M可反洗70寸折叠滤元 精度高,过滤面积大,通量大,设备直径小,占地少; 采用内螺纹连接,安装方便; 可清洗使用,使用周期长。 1、滤元外形:2.5″×70″ 2、滤元材质:PP 3、滤元骨架:强化PP、 4、过滤精度:10um,2um,5um, 5、过滤面积:6.5m2、 6、滤元形式:折叠式 7、...
Commerce National Bank (CNBF.OB) has announced that it has appointed a vice president. Commerce National Bank appoints vice president Commerce National Bank (OTCBB: CNBF) has reported a net loss of USD82,000, or USD0.03 per diluted share, for the second quarter ended 30 June 2009 as compa...
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Cnbf Flying Auto Parts Spare Parts Gearbox US$59.00 20-99 Pieces US$39.00 100+ Pieces Product Details Customization: Available After-sales Service: Quality Problem, Damage Compensation Warranty: 1year Contact Supplier Chat NINGBO FLYING AUTOMOTIVE PARTS CO., LTD. Trading Company...
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CNBF-1000401420g1000*4010104626730.00W30.00W 产品概述 条形光源特别适用于大尺寸特征的成像场合,其长度从十几毫米到几米不等,并可根据实际需求选择光源颜色。多个条形光源可自由组合,照射角度也可根据检测需求随意调整。是机器视觉中应用为广泛的光源之一。
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