import dns.resolver def query_cname(domain): try: answers = dns.resolver.resolve(domain, 'CNAME') for rdata in answers: print(f'CNAME: {}') except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: print(f'Domain {domain} does not exist.') except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: print(f'No CNAME record found...
示例8: resourceDnsCnameRecordRead ▲点赞 1▼ funcresourceDnsCnameRecordRead(d *schema.ResourceData, metainterface{})error{ cname, err := net.LookupCNAME(d.Id())iferr !=nil{returnerr } d.Set("cname", cname)returnnil} 开发者ID:Shopify,项目名称:terraform-provider-dns,代码行数:9,代码来源:...
awsdns import AWSDNSScanner scanner = AWSDNSScanner() for record in scanner.fetch_records(): print(record) """ "record" is a dict in the format: { "ZoneName": "DNS name of the zone", "Private": True or False indicating whether the zone is private or not, "Type": "Type of the...
My domain was initially connected without any issues. However, unexpectedly, a warning message appeared stating: Your domain's CNAME record is not directing to Shopify. Please refer to Picture 1. When I attempted to add a CNAME record on the GoDaddy webs
in the A record. The shop subdomain points to Shopify’s servers, so they can manage which A record (IP address) the online store is hosted on. So while A records connect websites to IP addresses, CNAME records connect subdomains and aliases to the another domain record,notits IP ...