——— Channel NewsAsia亚洲新闻台CNA是总部位于新加坡的电视频道,专注于亚太地区的新闻报道。该频道于1999年3月1日正式开播,由新传媒私人有限公司(Mediacorp)全资拥有, CNA可在亚洲29个地区观看,卫星覆盖范围包括亚洲、中东和澳大利亚。 CNA的新闻节目有6档,分别是Asia First, Asia Now, Headline News, East Asia...
亚洲新闻台(英文:Channel News Asia 缩写为CNA),是一家位于新加坡以报道亚太新闻为主的电视频道,开播于1999年3月1日,覆盖范围超过20个亚洲国家和地区,播出语言以英语为主,少数为少量华语。节目包括有财经信息、市场分析、商业评论、科技资讯、生活时尚、人文历史和记录片等优秀栏目,让观众更深入了解亚洲、亚洲...
Channel NewsAsia, is aSingaporeanmultinationalnews channelowned byMediacorp, the country's state-owned media conglomerate. CNA broadcastsfree-to-airdomestically in Singapore, and internationally as a pay television channel to 29 territories across the Asia-Pacific.[1][2]...
亚洲新闻台(英语:CNA,原名为Channel NewsAsia)是位于新加坡以报道亚太新闻为主的电视频道。1999年3月1日开播,由新传媒私人有限公司(Mediacorp)全资拥有,覆盖范围超过20个亚洲国家和地区,播出语言以英语为主,附带少量日语及华语。此频道分为两个版本——新加坡版本以及国际版本。同时新传媒电台也有同...
Screenshots iPad iPhone Apple TV Beschreibung Get breaking news alerts and your daily digest of news from Singapore, Asia and around the world with the CNA app. Improved interface Get more out of your visits to CNA with live coverage, top stories and expert analysis from Asia on our front pa...
Channel News Asia 亚洲新闻台 (19/19) 自动连播 3.1万播放 简介 订阅合集 亚洲新闻台 | Is a two-state solution a feasible outcome for the Israel-Hamas war 02:33 亚洲新闻台 | How wide is the gap in firepower between Israel and Hamas 03:02 亚洲新闻台 | Social media facing increased ...
CNA is a Singaporean English language news channel based in Singapore. The channel launched on 1 March 1999 by Television Corporation of Singapore and now owned by Mediacorp. Former name of the Channel NewsAsia is Television Corporation Singapore until February 2001. The channel broadcast around ...
Huawei International's CEO Foo Fang Yong describes the Tech4City competition on Channel News Asia. This year, the top prize is S$15,000! If you're 18-35 and passionate about tech, join the competition!
CNA (Channel NewsAsia) 12+ Mediacorp Pte Ltd Designed for iPad Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Apple TV Description Get breaking news alerts and your daily digest of news from Singapore, Asia and around the world with the CNA app. Improved interface Get more out of your visits to CNA with ...
CNA (Channel NewsAsia) 12+ Mediacorp Pte Ltd Designed for iPad #7 in News 4.6 • 16.1K Ratings Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Apple TV Description Get breaking news alerts and your daily digest of news from Singapore, Asia and around the world with the CNA app. Improved interface Get ...