I haven’t worked as a CNA for over 2 years now and my license needs to be renewed. it should of been renewed in 2012, but like I said I was very ill at the time. So my question is can I still renew my CNA license or do I have to go back to school and do all over again...
Have you checked out out specific NC page at http://cnatraininghelp.com/free-cna-training/north-carolina/ Reply Tanieka February 6, 2011 at 7:36 pm # I was wondering if there where nursing homes in Philadelphia,PA that provided CNA training Reply carolyn Parker February 7, 2011 at 9:...
I'm a 7 yr RN, BS charlotte , NC. I'm interested in starting a CNA program in my community. I'm wanting information on how to create a curriculum and policies and procedures manual. Any suggestions on start up materials that are needed or costs to begin the business, Sample business ...
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I would certainly hope she wouldn’t have to start all over because of 10 or days. A:Unfortunately I was unable to find any way around this rule. I too live in NC and knowing how strict they are on these things, I regretfully tell you that she may just have to take the class all...