Re: Solution to Material Number Errors in SAP Syst... Re: What kind of knowledge should a beginner need ... Re: SAP Best practices in Public cloud/Private clo... 如何在SAP中查看物料的库存数量? Re: Reversal of goods issue in case of invoice cre... View all...
As far as you have added the new field in the project, maybe you need to extend the field in the project information system also, and run Program RCNCT001 to adjust the field string. Refer to more information in SAP note 43493. You must be a registered user to add a comment. If yo...
When you run CN41 or CN41N SAP makes temporary postings that are called Elimination of Internal Business Processes. This essentially backs out settlements so you will see where the cost initially occurred. There is a SAP Note that describes this process. If you have Value Categories configured ...
1,067 SAP Managed Tags: PLM Project System (PS) Hi Experts, I have a requirement to display CN41N report data by WBS Profit center and WBS Project type as 2 Separate columns. These 2 fields are captured for each WBS and different for each WBS level. Could you suggest the user ex...
双喜临门,歼35生产线展示,又是“过于落后”了吗? 2023年9月24日 最近,央妈公开展示了歼35战斗机的其中一条生产线,这令人期待不已。然而,实际上,早在3月份,卫星就已经拍到了歼35模拟航母起飞的画面,而其中还包括了歼35的另一版本,即折叠翼... 杏74丨7 ...
GUI事务码:CN41N 功能描述:Structure Overview OData服务: UI5激活SAP应用: 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product: APP类型:GUI(SAP GUI TRANSACTION) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive 此APP对BSP支持如下: ...
1,426 SAP Managed Tags: PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM), PLM Project System (PS) Hi Everyone, Does any one have idea about how to get cost in CN41N report? how to generate this report? what is CJ40?