66308d ( a purple color)and 28a992 ( a green color) Those aren't even CMYK mixtures, those are HEX colors (which is RGB). How they convert to either CMYK or Pantone completely depends upon how your color management is set up. If that is even a close match then depends upon if ...
There are many free online tools you can use to convert CMYK to Pantone, such asPantone Color FinderandEasyRGB. 3. Manually Matching CMYK to Pantone You can also refer to a physical Pantone color book and compare your printed CMYK sample to Pantone swatches to find the closest match manually...
PANTONE CoatedColor Refere neePANTONECALIBRATED39;1C:Cya n M:Mage nta Y:Yellow K:BlackPANTONE CoatedColor Refere neeThe
I am trying to develop matching items, some in fabrics which printer requires RGB color codes, and others in paper, which printer requires CMYK color codes. The key to this project is, I need them to match in color, or at least be a very, very, close match since they are intended ...
is Pantone, Inc.s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials. PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. P ...
PANTONECOLOR对应CMYK值,很好用查询方法.docx,word格式 word格式 PANTON与CMYK颜色对照表 Pantone公司是X-Rite, Incorporated 的全资子公司,总部位於美国新泽西州卡尔士达特 市(Carlstadt, NJ),是一家专门开发和研究色彩而闻名全球的权威机构。四十五多年来, Pan to ne公
51 PANTONE 126 C C:0 M:23 Y:100 K:34 PANTONE 1265 C C:0 M:27 Y:100 K:51 1 C:%Cyan M:%Magenta Y:%Yellow K:%Black PANTONE Coated Color Reference Printer: The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING ...
1、word格式PANTON与CMYK颜色对照表Pantone公司是X-Rite, Incorporated的全资子公司,总部位於美国新泽西州卡尔士达特市(Carlstadt,NJ),是一家专门开发和研究色彩而闻名全球的权威机构。四十五多年来,Pan to ne公司一直以其产品、服务和领先技术激发著设计专业人士的创新灵感和对色彩的探 索。Pan to ne是一间美国公司...
This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is prohibited.Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid color simulations. For identical results, be sure to specify your colors using t......
PANTONE colors generated by this printer are four-color process simulations and may not match PANTONE-identified solid color standards. Use current PANTONE Color names have been abbreviated to save space. This chart shows PANTONE solid Color Reference Manuals for accurate color. PANTONE CALIBRATED™,...