PANTONECOLOR对应 CMYK值很好用查询方法 ThelatestrevisiononNovember22,2020 PANTONE与CMYK颜色对照表 Pantone公司是X-Rite,Incorporated的全资子公司,总部位於美国新泽西州卡尔士达 特市(Carlstadt,NJ),是一家专门开发和研究色彩而闻名全球的权威机构。四十五多 年来,Pantone公司一直以其产品、服务和领先技术激发着设计专业...
CMYK Color Code according to the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW), Paris, France P h a n e r o z o i c (40/0/5/0) P a l e o z o i c (40/10/40/0) Ordovician (100/0/60/0) Silurian (30/0/25/0) Devonian (20/40/75/0) Holocene Quaternary* (...
国际地层表颜色代码Color Codes(CMYK Set,France,2008)
CMYK to Hex Converter - Convert CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) values to a Hex color code.
1、CMYK (Cya n-Mage nta-Yellow-blacK ColorCodesv;M e*心 pqfisrtJflkg 叶啲.已 so 5 和啊 g 叫及評眄切典 HUM.j:5M3l ?ST0rC*k UKHi.UHjIf. - |SWj|c-0aO-5i Ek 5k4 Ki也徨轉 tn 砸*0%险rw(SiJ I 010*- asrtirMIT龍XdEF 刖為H 楞*.?乔口TWGJE 0%13 I也0 C 眄|血 W...
NSColor Constructors Properties Methods BlendedColor ColorWithAlphaComponent ControlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors Copy DrawSwatchInRect EncodeTo FromCalibratedHsb FromCalibratedHsba FromCalibratedRgb FromCalibratedRgba FromCalibratedWhite FromCatalogName FromCGColor FromCIColor FromColor FromColorSpace FromControlTin...
PDF to CMYK is a free online tool that converts the color space of a PDF file to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black). While displays use RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, printing companies uses CMYK. If you are looking to print your PDF in CMYK or convert PDF color space to ...
这是通货膨胀都蔓延到这里了 此言差矣,人家是花了私人时间,电费,损耗电脑寿命来搞出这个东西来,有些...
CMYK Color Query Intro The Fontke CMYK Color Query contains informative data of every kind of CMYK color, it recognizes various CMYK expressions.For example, if you want black, just enter one of the following text:CMYK(0, 0, 0, 100)0,0,0,1000 0 0 100black黑黑色Each one is recognizab...
The key to this project is, I need them to match in color, or at least be a very, very, close match since they are intended to go together in a set. I use Gimp for fabric and Photoshop for paper (conversion to pdf required). I know how to change between codes and such, but...