拿我个人的经历来说,我应该是在申请季10月的一个晚上,建立一个Google表格,花了4个小时选了16个学校的PhD program,统计好了他们的deadline和各种要求(文书、语言成绩,申请网站)。所以大家还是应该把精力放到背景提升上,选校的话,申请季拿几天出来搞肯定是够了。 选校策略上,我总共申请了16所学校(CMU, MIT, S...
就连我们的 onsite也可以和玩一样。所以只要你想,没有做不到的。但是也不能太放纵自己就是了,浪多...
Nuts这个时候起到很大作用,提供非常完善模板和非常好的范文以及语法纠正。 我的经验是:一定要珍惜催你的人,因为Deadline真的比你想的要早很多! 写文书DDL真的很重要,因为写文书周期还比较长,可能大四开学初就在写,咋一看时间很充裕,...
While already very valuable for my self-development, these experiences have been instrumental to my success in my PhD application. My father and I were hiking along a trail near Lugano with this view — that experience will always be with me as a vivid memory. At the end of it, I can ...
Application Season:2020 Fall Program:Information Science PhD PostedMarch 5, 2020 On 2/23/2020 at 8:09 AM,JimmyJsaid: Best of luck to you man!? Thanks Jimmy. Best of luck to you too! I don't expect such quick results though as the deadline for Heinz was a month after other schools...
The course is the same under all course numbers, with the exception of the PhD-level 17-745 which replaces two homework assignments with a mandatory research project. Open to all undergraduate and graduate students meeting the prerequisites. Spring 2024 Lectures Monday/Wednesday 2-3:20pm, in pe...
Also I used my extra time to gather more research experience with an internship at Microsoft Research in the US and a research internship at UCL in London. While already very valuable for my self-development, these experiences have been instrumental to my success in my PhD application. ...
– Note that this technically allows to blow the original deadline and submit a homework arbitrarily late for three tokens. For one token a student can submit a reading quiz late (any time before the final presentation) or resubmit a graded reading quiz. Remaining tokens at the end of the ...