CMU INI MSIT-MOB项目选课自由程度非常高,除了可以选INI学院自己开设的课程,CS学院、ECE学院、Tepper商学院和海茵茨学院的课程都可以选择,例如Introduction to Computer System、Cloud Computing、Distributed System、Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming、Advanced Cloud Computing、Database System、Storage Systems、...
而且数学系的方向特别多,有纯数;operations research,好像是研究最优方案的;statistics统计方向,好像是唯一一个不用学实分析的方向;还有我现在这个computational and applied,计算及应用数学;还有discrete math and logic,就比较偏逻辑和计算机方向。有意思的教授很多,比如美国IMO国家队教练Poshen Loh;一天要喝超过一升可...
ucla数学系毕业生…我觉得ucla的数学教育挺不错的,但是大部分课程更偏向于理论和证明,数学系也有开设data theory(由于我去年毕业也不知道这个新开设的专业如何)和computational math(可选cs课),数学系内部也有programming的specialization。但总体来说数学系的教学比较理论。至于数学系转cs,我大部分朋友想读cs的都能进工...
未经作者授权,禁止转载 How linear algebra enters the picture in Spectral Graph Theory. Lecture 13c of a semester-long graduate course on math and CS fundamentals for research in theoretical computer science, taught at Carnegie Mellon University. ...
一个是工程学院的电气工程与计算机科学(Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,简称EECS)专业,提供CS理学学士学位。 根据UCB官网的消息称,EECS专业只接受新生申请,禁止其他专业转入。 另外一个是UCB新成立的学院计算机、数据科学和社...
✅MSCF offers a tight integration of statistics, computer science, mathematics and finance - the four disciplines underlying computational finance. ✅注重Candidate的quantitative skills, 需要有数学,CS的基本背景 ✅其他专业转行...
What I have done to pursue my goal (quantitative finance)? 围绕MSCF的三点:Math,CS,Finance What I want to become in the future (don't have to talk too much, since you will be given this question anyway). Point: Show your research and prove your understanding about quantitative finance. ...
What I have done to pursue my goal (quantitative finance)? 围绕MSCF的三点:Math,CS,Finance What I want to become in the future (don't have to talk too much, since you will be given this question anyway). Point: Show your research and prove your understanding about quantitative finance. ...
三、录取情况 CMU大学计算数据科学硕士项目规模在60+,录取率在3%-5%,中国学生比例高,基本是cs/math背景,gpa3.8+,同时比较看重学生的科研经历!陆本录取一般除了硬件指标之外,基本都有美国暑研经历。 更多详细信息可以向Tops6868咨询。 以上是CMU大学计算数据科学硕士...