课程地址:10-315: ML 11-411/11-611 Natural Language Processing 自然语言处理 课程地址:http://demo.clab.cs.cmu.edu/NLP/ 11-485/11-785 Introduction to Deep Learning 深度学习导论 课程地址:11-785 Deep Learning 15-281 Artificial Intelligence: Representation and Problem Solving 人工智能 课程地址:15...
课程地址:10-315: ML 11-411/11-611 Natural Language Processing 自然语言处理 课程地址:http://demo.clab.cs.cmu.edu/NLP/ 11-485/11-785 Introduction to Deep Learning 深度学习导论 课程地址:11-785 Deep Learning 15-281 Artificial Intelligence: Representation and Problem Solving 人工智能 课程地址:15...
自然语言处理入门(11-411)或计算机视觉简介(16-385) 第四部分:伦理选修课(选修以下1门课程) 人工智能与人性(16-161) 计算中的道德与政策问题(16-735) AI,社会与人类(80-249) 第五部分:AI群选修课程(4门课程) 从以下四个领域分别选择一门课程: 决策和机器人:神经计算(15-386)、认知机器人(15-494)、规...
CMU贺斌教授团队提出:冥想可以增强对脑机接口的控制 脑机接口(BCI)是一种允许个人直接通过大脑控制机器或计算机的设备。与使用大脑植入的高风险侵入性方法相比,通过颅骨获取的非侵入性控制手段,如脑电图(EEG),既安全又方便,但它们需要更长的学习时间,使用者的的熟练程度最终会有所不同。 生物医学工程系系主任贺斌教...
Security Insights Additional navigation options master 9Branches0Tags Code README Guide to ECE and CS at CMU Classes at CMU can be hard. This guide is to give some insight on what to expect from the core classes from the ECE and CS programs at CMU. ...
11-411: Natural Language Processing 11-442/642/742: Search Engines 11-755/18-797: Machine Learning and Signal Processing 11-785: Introduction to Deep Learning 14-763/18-763: Systems and Toolchains for AI Engineers 15-410: Operating Systems 15-418: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming...
154 -- 1:06:49 App ROS2 Actions [1H Crash Course] 481 -- 7:38 App [PongBot-W] Exploring Campus with Wheeled Quadruped Robot 430 -- 1:11:00 App Optimal Control CMU 2024 Lecture 2 动力学离散化与稳定性 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
2023-04-16 11:502回复 共9条回复, 点击查看 zzzzzzlllllll217 最让我佩服的是,大一开始规划,然后目标笃定地实现。拿到顶校的phd offer,合情合理。相比起我是只提前一年准备申请,只拿到了某州立大学的phd offer,我心服口服。愿下一阶段,我也可以提早规划,笃定目标,希望5年后能成为更好的自己。 2023-04-...
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . . . C(x) 1 1 5 2 8 3 11 4 14 5 17 6 20 7 23 8 . . . Iteration Digression: The Name of the Game 6 The Collatz problem was invented by Lothar Collatz around 1937, when he was about 20 years old. Since then, it ...
该文件集是CMU开设的11-777课程,名为multimodal machine learning,每年fall学期开设。 本讲义是2019 Fall的版本。 课程介绍: Description Multimodal machine learning (MMML) is a vibrant multi-disciplinary research field which addresses some of the original goals of artificial intelligence by integrating and mo...