Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 tach•y•car•di•a (ˌtæk ɪˈkɑr di ə) n. excessively rapid heartbeat. ...
Delta Farce(2007) Greg Evigan Self DeepStar Six(1989) Jeff Foxworthy Self Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie(2003) Eva Gabor Lisa Douglas (archive footage) The Rescuers(1977) Andy Griffith Self The Andy Griffith Show(1960) Linda Henning ...
When X Japan reunited in 2007, Heath was among the returning members, alongside drummer/pianist Yoshiki, singer Toshi and guitarist Pata. While active on a live basis, albeit sparingly, X Japan has yet to record a new album since getting back together. shane macgowan, the pogues Roberto Serr...
Hulton Archive, Getty Images Denny Laine Denny Laine, a co-founder of both The Moody Blues and Wings, died on Dec. 5, 2023 at the age of 79. The musician had been dealing with health issues related to intestinal lung disease. Laine was a co-founder of the Moody Blues in 1964 and st...
Hollywood Dot Com(2007) Daryl Hannah Self Wall Street(1987) Kevin Zegers Self Transamerica(2005) Dabney Coleman Self WarGames(1983) Trace Adkins Self (archive footage) The Lincoln Lawyer(2011) Sherrié Austin Self (archive footage) (as Sherrie Krenn) ...
Чланак 25.01.2007.I just had the all hands meeting for the CMT (Consumer Media Technologies) group. It was interesting to say the least, I'm still working on the same core technologies that I was working on in the DMD (Digital Media Division) except it feels like the teams are...
Članak 25.01.2007. I just had the all hands meeting for the CMT (Consumer Media Technologies) group. It was interesting to say the least, I'm still working on the same core technologies that I was working on in the DMD (Digital Media Division) except it feels like the teams are muc...
2007: Locavores seize the spotlight The term “locavore,” used to describe a person who only eats food grown close to home, was awarded the title of Oxford University Press’ “Word of the Year” in 2007. It gave recognition to the burgeoning interest in the local food movement. ...
Under an Elsevier user license Open archiveGenomic rearrangements involving the peripheral myelin protein gene (PMP22) in human chromosome 17p12 are associated with neuropathy: duplications cause Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A), whereas deletions lead to hereditary neuropathy with liability ...
Self (archive footage) The Johnny Cash Show (1969) Johnny Cash Self (archive footage) The Johnny Cash Show (1969) Terri Clark Self Terri Clark: Better Things to Do (1995) Sheryl Crow Self Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Crystal Gayle Self The Hateful Eight (2015) Troy Gentry ...