Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that establishes minimum staffing requirements for nursing homes, aimed at ensuring safe and high-quality care for residents.Harris, EmilyJAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association
homes.TheSFFmethodology assignspointstodeficienciescited onstandardsurveysandcomplaint investigations,andtorevisits conductedtoensurethat deficiencieshavebeencorrected. CMSusesitsmethodology periodicallytoidentifycandidates fortheprogram—nursinghomes withthe15worstscoresineach ...
“The Final Rule thus promises to be a nightmare not only for owners and operators of nursing homes, but also for the vulnerable residents they serve, in direct derogation of CMS’s statutory mandate,” according to the complaint,filed in the Northern District of Texas. In addition to CMS, ...
(HealthDay)—State governors should use "extreme caution" in deciding when to allow visits to nursing homes to resume, the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said Monday. It does not offer firm dates for doing so but outlines a number of factors that local and state health offi...
This includes the development of a surveillance system that can identify possible communicable diseases and infections before they begin to spread within the facility. Nursing homes must also know when and to whom such infections should be reported. Current federal regulations and CDC gui...
This week, CMS released its Skilled Nursing Facility and Inpatient Prospective Payment System final rules and HHS announced the establishment of the Office of Long COVID Research and Practice. Read more about these actions and other news below. ...
In a January 4, 2021 revision to a June 1, 2020 Quality, Safety and Oversight memorandum, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) revised the criteria for focused infection control (FIC) surveys in nursing facilities and released Frequently
Without deference to CMS’s complicated statutory formulas, providers and suppliers may feel more confident in challenging reimbursement rules With each regulation that CMS promulgates, it will have to consider the enhanced litigation risk underLoper. As a result, CMS may proce...
In addition to the overarching regulations and guidance, CMS provides the following information about some specific areas related to COVID-19. Guidance for Limiting Transmission of COVID-19 for Nursing Homes Guidance for all facilities nationwide Facilities should restrict visitation of all visitors ...
exercised appropriate oversight of the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 in nursing homes -- particularly in cases where patients or their families didn’t consent to the experimental drug’s use -- and are also asking CMS whether it has opened any investigations or taken enforcement ...