CMS Proposed Rule for Home Health Prospective Payment System Seeks to Protect Beneficiaries in the Medicare Program from Potential Fraud and AbuseMaria E. Gonzalez Knavel
CMS will accept comments on the Proposed Rules through September 11, 2023. Final rules should be issued in November of 2023. If you have any questions on either of the Proposed Rules, please do not hesitate to contact your Dinsmore healthcare attorney.Related...
CMS has issued a proposed rule that unleashes innovative technology so Medicare beneficiaries have access to the latest, most cutting-edge devices, according to a press release on CMS’ website. The proposal would “provide national Medicare coverage on the same day as Food and Drug Administration...
“Within the proposed rule, CMS is strongly supportive of telehealth and encourages Congress to act to maintain the Medicare statutory flexibilities post CY2024,” Zebley said. “I believe this will encourage Congress to extend the statutory flexibilities to ensure beneficiaries do not lose...
CMS on Thursday (Oct. 31) halved a proposed behavioral adjustment cut in its final home health pay rule meant to offset potential spending increases under a new home health payment model after industry backlash. Under the final rule, this cut is based on the assumed behavior of home he...
Home Health Value-Based Purchasing model CMS summarizes comments received in response to the RFI in the proposed rule on future performance measure concepts for the HHVBP model. The new measure concepts include: Family caregiver Falls with injury (claims based) ...
CMS discusses its analysis and methodology for reporting with consideration to reporting impacts as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The overall economic impact of this proposed rule is estimated to be $530 million in increased payments to hospices for FY 2022. ...
2023. The proposed rule would revise the Medicare and Medicaid long-term care facility requirements that CMS had identified as unnecessary, obsolete, or excessively burdensome. The proposed rule also aims to increase the ability of health care professionals to apportion resources to improve reside...
CMS recently proposed a rule to improve prior authorization processes by reducing the burden on providers and patients. This proposed rule would place new requirements on Medicaid and CHIP managed care plans, state Medicaid and CHIP fee-for-service programs, and Qualified Health Plans (QHP) issuers...
The rule would also require states to report on waiting lists, service delivery time timeliness, homemaker and home health aide services, and standardized HCBS quality measures. The Access NPRM seeks to improve how states use Medical Care Advisory Committees. The renamed Medicaid Adviso...