联邦《医生支付阳光法案》要求向公众提供有关药品、医疗器械和生物制剂制造商向医生和教学医院支付的金额超过十美元 ($10) 的付款和其他付款的详细信息。 您可以访问以下网站来搜索联邦数据库,了解向医生和教学医院支付的费用:https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov/...
是指美国医疗保险与医疗服务中心(CMS)对于Open Payments数据公开的一些限制。Open Payments是一个由CMS管理的公开透明的数据库,旨在揭示医疗保健行业中的财务关系,包括医生和医疗机构与制药公司、医疗器械公司等商业实体之间的财务交易。 在CMS Open Payments数据限制中,主要包括以下几个方面: 数据保密性:CMS要求在公开之...
AlisonRitchieEBSCO_bspMedical Economics
On August 4, the online investigative news siteProPublicareported that CMS turned off the ability of physicians to access their data on the Open Payments Web site after it discovered some inaccuracies. According to ProPublica, a physician checking his file realized that payments made to another phys...
Security, since they are linked to your CMS and any data that’s a part of it. Compatibility with any other software or plugins you may be using. End goals. Is there a certain way you know you’re going to need to process or present end data? This may impact what tool you used ba...
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Drupal is a highly flexible, open-source CMS targeted to a wide pool of developers, marketers, and agencies. The CMS allows marketers with more basic experience to create a site from a template, or for developers to create a site that can ...
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