You can save time by deploying to Strapi Cloud or deploy to the hosting platform you want**: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean. Modern Admin Panel: Elegant, entirely customizable and a fully extensible admin panel. Multi-database support: You can choose the database you prefer: ...
By default, the tests will run against the "default" site theme. For testing the "demo" site theme and the "dashboard", your tests should override the baseUrl at the test file level and utilize the profile options on the relevant commands. See the cypress/test folder for examples....
We'll also provide details on how to configure FHIR service in Azure Health Data Services (hereby called FHIR service) to support these implementation guides.Rule overviewThe CMS released the Interoperability and Patient Access rule on May 1, 2020. This rule requires free and secure data flow ...
You can save time by deploying to Strapi Cloud or deploy to the hosting platform you want**: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean. Modern Admin Panel: Elegant, entirely customizable and a fully extensible admin panel. Multi-database support: You can choose the database you prefer: ...
To upload a local access key into the Azure KMS, HP Client Management Script Library (HP CMSL) provides a PowerShell cmdlet, designed for this purpose and easy to use. NOTE: if the company choses the KMS method instead of provisioning the LAK Private key on the phone app (see next...
To upload a local access key into the Azure KMS, HP Client Management Script Library (HP CMSL) provides a PowerShell cmdlet, designed for this purpose and easy to use. NOTE: if the company choses the KMS method instead of provisioning the LAK Private key on the phone app (see next), ...
您可以在Linux,macOS和Windows上使用mssql-scripter为在任何地方运行的SQL Server,Azure SQL数据库和Azure SQL数据仓库中的数据库对象生成数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操作语言(DML)T-SQL脚本。您可以将生成的T-SQL脚本保存到.sql文件,或将其通过管道传输到标准nix实用程序(例如sed,awk,grep)以进行进一步的转换。您可以...
最底层同时支持IIS和目前热炒的Azure,也算是该项目的一大特色,有感兴趣的同学可以部署到云上试试。上面是.NET,采用了MVC 3和NHiberante,也用了Castle和Autofac的一些功能。一直以为微软会大力推广自己的EF4,没想到自己的项目却用了NHibernate,是否说明EF没有宣传的那样成熟呢?再上面是Orchard自己的Framework和Core,最...
您可以在Linux,macOS和Windows上使用mssql-scripter为在任何地方运行的SQL Server,Azure SQL数据库和Azure SQL数据仓库中的数据库对象生成数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操作语言(DML)T-SQL脚本。您可以将生成的T-SQL脚本保存到.sql文件,或将其通过管道传输到标准nix实用程序(例如sed,awk,grep)以进行进一步的转换。您可以...
For this demo, we installed Cockpit on an Azure free site. It was very easy to set up: we pushed our code on GitHub and enabled automatic Git deploys in Azure. 3. Using & understanding Nuxt.js For the client-facing store itself, we'll dive into Nuxt. ...