处方药保险(Part D) • 医疗补助(Medicaid) 2、商业保险(私营保险公司负责管理): Aetna、Cigna、Elevance、Humana、United Healthcare 等等。 在开篇提到的,024年8月15日,美国医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)公布了首轮医保谈判结果新鲜...
Aetna、Cigna、Elevance、Humana、United Healthcare 等等。 在开篇提到的,024年8月15日,美国医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)公布了首轮医保谈判结果新鲜出炉,本轮谈判便属于Medicare的D部分,专门涵盖处方药保险,B部分谈判则属药械以及相关生物制剂等。 所以,第一轮“美国版集采”结果出炉后,美国药价真的被打压下来了...
削减支出的核心之一便是药价谈判方案。 对于处方药价格谈判方案,IRA规定从2026年开始起效,限定范围是Part B和Part D中分别处于TOP50的畅销药(Medicare中Part B主要是医生进行注射的药物,Part D则主要是口服药以及患者自行注射的大分子药物,Part D的总体量远超Part B)。具体进程设定为2023年选定10个Part D(本次降...
CMS established the Program to implement the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) requirement that drug manufacturers pay rebates for certain products reimbursed under Medicare Part B and Part D if the price of those products increases faster than the rate of inflation...
2025. The proposed estimation methodology was intended to fulfill the IRA requirement to remove 340B units from rebate calculations for Part D inflation rebate calculations beginning on January 1, 2026. Instead, CMS notes in the Final Rule that it will explore est...
On July 13, 2023,CMS issued a proposed rulethat identifies and seeks public comments on a broad array of proposed changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and Medicare Part B payments (the proposed rule). If finalized, the proposed changes would take effect January 1, 2024. The...
Medicare Advantage是美国医保中由美国私营保险公司提供的一个医疗保险计划,它作为原始Medicare(即Medicare Part A和Part B)的替代方式,让符合条件的个人可以获得原始Medicare的所有覆盖范围,并可能包括额外的福利。原始的Medicare本身有一些无法覆盖和无法报销的部分,Medicare Advan...
Medicare 公布了首批入选谈判计划的 10 种药品的价格,折扣高达标价的 79%。白宫在周四宣布新价格时表示,纳税人将节省约 60 亿美元。 节省不会立即发生。这些产品的新定价要到 2026 年 1 月 1 日才会对那些拥有 Medicare Part D 处方药保险的人生效。但这 10 种在糖尿病和自身免疫性疾病等治疗领域广泛使用的...
The 1972 legislation was, in part, intended to pr... Chronic Kidney Disease Congress Medicare CMS Congress: Focus on Potassium and Improve Kidney Care May 01, 2024 A few weeks ago, former HHS Secretary Alex Azar shed light on the flawed kidney care system in the US. Secretary Azar ...
to and from a participating hospital, mental health services, and in-home care during the post-transplant period. Participants may also subsidize, in whole or in part, the cost sharing associated with immunosuppressive drugs covered by Medicare Part B, the Part B-ID benefit, and Part D. ...