From a home care and hospice prospective, it is important that we understand what prescription drug plans are allowed and not allowed to market and promote to the Medicare beneficiary. It is also important that we know the parameters of any allowable telemarketing from companies offering ...
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) recently issued a final rule (“Final Rule”) with comment period that allows CMS greater ability to prevent fraud and abuse by providers and suppliers enrolled in federal health care programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’...
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has issued proposed rules to implement provisions of the Affordable Care Act, establishing procedures to address waste, fraud and abuse by screening providers of medical services and suppliers in the Medicare, Medicaid or CHIP programs. CMS is ...
2023, revising the regulations governing marketing by Medicare Advantage plans (MAPs) and Medicare Part D plans (PDPs). These changes follow CMS’s October 2022memoexpressing concern regarding MAP and PDP marketing practices, and theproposed rule issued on December 14, 2022. The changes...
participation. Notably, CMS takes the position that suspension of the Medicaid drug rebate agreement under this provision “does not affect the manufacturer obligations and responsibilities under the 340B Program or reimbursement under Medicare Part B during the period ...
The new physician requirement is in response to concerns about fraud, waste, and abuse in the Medicare hospice program. In February, a bipartisan group of lawmakers led by Representatives Beth Van Duyne (TX-24) and Earl Blumenauer (OR-03)asked for a briefing on CMS’ oversight activitiesand...
CMS Relaxes Fraud, Waste, And Abuse (FWA) Training Requirements For Medicare Advantage Contractors.(United States. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)Dunsford, Tina
"Bad actors" are the focus of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' initiative to ramp up oversight of providers and to save taxpayers money. CMS Administrator Marilyn Tavenner announced the new measures today.
Medicare fraud, waste, and abuse: Challenges and strategies for preventing improper payments Testimony issued by the Government Accountability Office with an that begins "GAO has designated Medicare as a high-risk program since 1990, in part becau... KM King - 《Government Accountability Office ...
Nearly 42% of Medicare Claims for E/M Services are Coded Incorrectly. Simply Implementing strong Quality Controls within your firm will improve coding and documentation accuracy, avoid under Payment or Over Payment and improve Quality Care.Read More ...