CMS proposes to add three services to the inpatient-only list, which includes services that should only be performed inpatient due to their complexity and the level of post-operative care required (CPT codes 0894T, 0895T and 0896T). Partial Hospitalization Services CMS proposes updates to the...
It will also trigger outlier payments when the cost of furnishing CY 2023 OPPS and ASC service exceeds either 1.75 times the APC payment amount or the APC payment amount plus $8,350, whichever is higher. Inpatient-Only List CMS established the IPO list in 2000 to designate pr...
Under PHE waivers, CMS allowed separate reimbursement of telephone (audio-only) E/M services (CPT codes 99441-99443), something embraced by many practitioners and patients, particularly patients in rural areas or without suitable broadband access, as well as patients with disparities in access to t...
outpatient drug, and inpatient and outpatient hospital services categories. The Code List can be a source of frustration for entities attempting to comply with the Stark Law, as the list only covers four DHS service categories, incorporates certain entire ranges of codes by reference, and counterin...