On November 1, 2022, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its final2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule(PFS) rule. As finalized, some of the most significant telehealth policy changes include: Discontinuing reimbursement of telephone (audio-only) evaluation and management (E...
CMS finalized an increase of 3.8 percent for ASC payment rates in CY 2023, which is consistent with CMS' policy for CYs 2019 through 2023 to update the ASC payment system using the hospital market basket update. CMS estimates this will result in a total of approximately $5.3 ...
Nonetheless, the American Hospital Association (AHA) hasmaintainedthat the 3.8% is insufficient given the various financial challenges faced by healthcare providers and is calling for Congress to establish the required support before 2023. In addition, even thou...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) has announced its proposed rules for theHospital Outpatient Prospective Payment (“OPPS”) and Ambulatory Surgical Center (“ASC”) Payment Systems, as well as its calendar year (CY)2024 proposed Physician Fee Schedule(“PFS”), (colle...
Exclusions such as the anomalous catheter spending in this proposed rule are part of a larger strategy from CMS to address SAHS billing activity within the Medicare Shared Savings Program, which the agency said it will detail in the forthcoming Physician Fee Schedule rule. ...
continue to be distant site practitioners for purposes of Medicare telehealth services, CMS anticipates aligning the agency's policy for these services with policies under the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) and continuing to make payment to hospitals for these services when furnished by hospital sta...
Based on the program's success, CMS has set a goal that 100% of people with Traditional Medicare will be part of an accountable care relationship by 2030. Earlier this year, in the Calendar Year 2023 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule, CMSproposed changesto the MSSP it said wo...
In addition, the Calendar Year 2023 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) from CMS and HHS made it easier for Medicare beneficiaries to get behavioral health services, including opioid use disorder treatment. Also, the PFH expands and enhances the Accountable Care Organization program in the U.S. and exp...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its2025 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed ruleearlier this month. Alongside a2.8 percent payment cutfor physicians, the rule includes numerous proposals directed at virtual care, including brand new codes for certain digital the...
The proposed 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and Quality Payment Program rules released by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) may usher in a wide range of changes, including a 3.75% reduction in the conversion factor used to calculate payments to physicians. However, according to...