To facilitate billing by these practitioners for the remote evaluation of patient-submitted videos or images and virtual check-ins (HCPCS codes G2010 and G2012), CMS is proposing to use two new HCPCS G codes. CMS has also received questions as to whether services should be reported as telehealt...
CMS G1004 G1005 G1006 G1007 G1008 G1009 G1010 G1011 G1012 G1013 G1014 G1015 G1016 G1017 G1018 G1019 G1020 G1021 G1022 G1023 G2000 G2001 G2002 G2003 G2004 G2005 G2006 G2007 G2008 G2009 G2010 G2011 G2012 G2013 G2014 G2015 G2021 G2022 G2023 G2024 G2025 G2058 G2061 G2062 G...
Beginning in 2019, separate payments will be made for 2 newly defined physicians’ services using communication technology: brief communication technology-based service (HCPCS code G2012) and remote evaluation of recorded video and/or images submitted by the patient (G2010). For exampl...
G2012 G22 路线起讫点 海拉尔-加格达奇 珲春-乌兰浩特 吉林-黑河 沈阳-吉林 北安-漠河 松江-长白山 乌兰浩特-阿力得尔 延吉-长春 丹东-锡林浩特 克什克腾-承德 锡林浩特-二连浩特 荣成-乌海 黄骅-石家庄 沧州-榆林 威海-青岛 潍坊-日照 乌海-玛沁 乌海-银川 滨州-德州 青岛-银川 青岛-新河 定边...