NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 100 60 secondsActions展開資料表 Create Content Object Create Content Object Create Content ObjectOperation ID: CreateContentObject Create Content Object Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Select contentTypeId True string Select the CTD bo...
NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 100 60 secondsActions展開資料表 Create a new page (V2) Create a new page. Create a new template (V2) Create a new coded template object in Design Manager. Delete a page (V2) Marks a page as deleted. Returns 204 No Content letting ...
CMS proposes assigning one current procedural terminology (CPT) code (subretinal injection of a pharmacological agent, including vitrectomy and one or more retinotomies) to ambulatory payment classification (APC) 1563 for CY 2025, as sufficient claims data is now available to determine the mean ...
5: Prophylaxis of retinal detachment (RD) without drainage; photocoagulation (CPT code 67145) The global period for PRP was changed from 90 days to 10 days, thus classifying it as a minor procedure rather than a major procedure. When a procedure is classified as major, an office visit can ...
CMS generally expects providers and suppliers to monitor which of services they provide that are considered to be DHS. While six categories are defined by regulation (without regard to the specific code), CMS annually publishes a code list specifying the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) / Healt...
NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 100 60 secondsActions展開表格 Create Content Object Create Content Object Create Content ObjectOperation ID: CreateContentObject Create Content Object Parameters 展開表格 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Select contentTypeId True string Select the CTD body ...
Flotiq is an API-first, headless Content Management System which allows users to easily publish content through APIs that are dynamically built to support the current content model. We provide a variety of simple, low-code (or no-code) solutions to integrate systems with Flotiq in order to ...
Flotiq is an API-first, headless Content Management System which allows users to easily publish content through APIs that are dynamically built to support the current content model. We provide a variety of simple, low-code (or no-code) solutions to integrate systems with Flotiq in order to ...
NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 100 60 secondsActionsExpandera tabell Create Content Object Create Content Object Create Content ObjectOperation ID: CreateContentObject Create Content Object Parameters Expandera tabell NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Select contentTypeId True string Select the...
NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 100 60 secondsActionsUtvid tabell Create Content Object Create Content Object Create Content ObjectOperation ID: CreateContentObject Create Content Object Parameters Utvid tabell NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Select contentTypeId True string Select the CTD...