It should be noted that 100 is a somewhat small sample size, considering there are around 15,000 nursing homes on the Care Compare website. But if those 100 nursing homes are truly representative of the entire nation, the OIG researchers said the analysis is indicative of a ...
Today, the Centers for Medicare &Medicaid Services (CMS) is making additional ownership data including names of affiliated owners for the first time on Nursing Home Care Compare. Aggregate data on the safety, staffing, and quality for groups of nursing homes sharing ownership/operatorship is also...
CMS developed the five-star system to help patients, their families, and caregivers compare nursing homes more easily and to develop questions about the quality and safety of care, treatment, or services. Also "Top 5 in the News."Joint Commission the Source...
The CMS has toughened the NHC 5-Star Quality Rating System for nursing homes, which provides details online to allow consumers to compare ratings for facilities within a given state. The changes include the addition of two quality measures for antipsychotic medication use; raised expectations; adju...
user-friendly interface to compare services based on cost, quality of care, volume of services and other data. Hospital Compare, Nursing Home Compare and Home Health Compare are a few of the websites Care Compare will draw from, but all these sites will stay online during the transition pe...
CMS will update the ratings each quarter. CMS has similar rating systems for nursing homes, physicians, and Medicare Advantage plans.
CMS aims to retire the original eight Medicare Compare websites in favor of its streamlined Care Compare tool come Dec. 1, the agency announced Tuesday (Nov. 17).
CMS’sproposed Medicaid ruleon patient protections for beneficiaries in nursing homes (if finalized as drafted) would create a conflict for Long-Term Care facility (nursing home) operators. The conflict would be between CMS’s proposed new regulatory requirements for LTC facilities and the exercise ...
CMS’s proposed Medicaid rule on patient protections for beneficiaries in nursing homes (if finalized as drafted) would create a conflict for Long-Term Care facility (nursing home) operators. The conflict would be between CMS’s proposed new regulatory requirements for LTC facilities and the exercis...
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