Known as RMR30 during its prototype stage, this 22WMR lightweight serni-auto went into mass production as CMR30 to avoid brand confusion with a Trijicon red dot optic. The carbine was designed as the companion to PMR30 pistol. The two weapons share magazines and have very similar fire ...
点22口径弹药有好几种 大黄蜂是中型口径步枪弹 在射击界比较受欢迎 武器视界 Kel Tec宣布援助乌克兰400把Sub2000给平民抵抗俄军。。。 Pewpew_ThomasY 13:56 在家制作的转轮 太空卡宾枪 轻武器发布 1.3万4 00:38 中国最新外贸手枪NP762,加装卡宾枪套件射击,帅不帅 ...