Versius is a modular & portable surgical robot designed to make it easier for hospitals and surgeons to give patients access to minimal access surgery.
The Versius® Surgical Robotic System is approved for use across Europe, Australia and Brazil. This website contains nonactionable information. The website may contain forward looking statements. CMR Surgical is a private limited company registered in England No. 08863657. © 2025 CMR Surgical ...
希美安外科手术机器人有限公司(CMR SURGICAL LIMITED) 报告 监控 1589 2025-02-09更新 法定代表人: - 注册资本:- 成立日期:- 电话:- 邮箱:- 网址:- 地址:-- 企业规模:- 财产线索 线索数量35财产类型2 企业全景 瞬息掌握企业关系 实际控制权
融资 CMR Surgical 拿下软银领投 6 亿美元巨额投资 2021 年 6 月 30 日,手术机器人 CMR Surgical 完成 6 亿美元 D 轮融资,由软银愿景基金领投,Ally Bridge Group 共同领投。CMR 表示,这笔资金将用于促进该公司旗舰产品 Versius 的全球商业化进程。Versius 是一种旨在帮助微创锁孔手术的辅助机器人。目前,该机...
We believe that detailed information about each specific phenotype of obstruction is warranted due to different interventional and surgical therapeutic options being available in patients with HOCM [1]. The interventional approach TASH (transcoronary ablation of septal hypertrophy) depends highly on the an...
but are not limited to: Track I: Medical Robotics and Applications • Autonomous Mobile Robots • Hospital robots • Laboratory robots • Modular Robots • Rehabilitation robots • Robotic prosthetics • Robotics for radiotherapy • Service Robots • Social Robots • Surgical robots /...
The Fontan procedure provides a unique surgical solution for congenital heart disease patients with a functionally univentricular heart defect, by connecting the systemic venous return directly with the pulmonary arteries (i.e. the total cavopulmonary connection: TCPC). Consequently, the Fontan circulati...
Other metal objects such as surgical clips or sternal wires typically do not cause significant artifacts. Multiple techniques have been developed to reduce CCT image artifacts. Spectral dual-energy CT (DECT) uses the unique energy-dependent attenuation of different materials when exposed to different ...
CMR Surgical Chile Rafael Maluenda 1600, of. 405 – Vitacura Santiago Chile +56 2706 6780 Directions CMR Surgical Brasil Rua Olimpiadas, 134, conj. 62 – Vila Olimpia São Paulo Brazil +55 11 2365-7122 Directions CMR Surgical – European Headquarters ...
About CMR Surgical Limited CMR Surgical (CMR) is a global medical devices company dedicated to transforming surgery with Versius®, a next-generationsurgical robot. Headquartered in Cambridge, United Kingdom, CMR is committed to working with surgeons, surgical teams and hospital partners, to provide...