我的世界1.16极端现实 CMR Extreme Realistic 材质包由作者“CemreK”所制作,像素为256×256。 该材质包是一款我正在一直制作的全新材质包,它是一款拥有全高清贴图的写实资源包! 如果你用光影与之搭配使用,那将会给你非凡的视觉体验,如临现实且充满乐趣,推荐TME光影或SEUS光影。
The name of the CMR Extreme Realistic alone is enough to generate quite a bit of hype for the pack because the pack claims to deliver an extremely realistic visual experience and, fortunately, it turns out that the pack actually delivers on the promise that its name makes. We’ve had our ...