CMPSC 456是宾州州立大学(PSU)2020年春季学期的一门课程。该课程旨在介绍计算机网络的原理和实践应用。学生将学习网络体系结构、协议、安全性和性能等方面的知识。课程内容包括但不限于网络层次结构、传输控制协议(TCP)、因特网协议(IP)、数据链路层协议、网络安全等。通过理论讲授、实验演练和项目作业,学生将深入了解...
CMPSC 455是宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PSU)2019年秋季学期的一门课程,旨在教授计算机科学专业的学生高级软件工程的知识和技能。课程内容涵盖软件需求分析、系统设计、软件测试、项目管理等方面的内容,学生将学习如何应对复杂的软件开发挑战,并掌握现代软件工程实践中的关键概念和方法。通过理论讲解、案例分析以及实际项目实践,...
for the future production system in operation, and an impressive demonstration of the prototyped system, functions, and unique features will attract appreciation of the PSU talents by the members of the LSU Advisory Board who are mostly executives in S&P 500 companies. Dr. Smith and his associates...
in which you plan to do your work. Then do the following: Type the command tar xvf shlab-handout.tar to expand the tarfile. Type the command make to compile and link some test routines. Type your name and PSU ID in the header comment at the top of tsh.c. Looking at the tsh.c ...
The HTTP request port is an optional field in the URL of an HTTP request. That is, the URL may be of the form,, in which case your proxy should connect to the host on port 8080 instead of the default HTTP port, ...
1 Introduction A Web proxy is a program that acts as a middleman between a Web browser and an end server. Instead of contacting the end server directly to get a Web page, the browser contacts the proxy, which forwards the request on to the end server. When the end server replies to th...