巴黎庄园为CMP 的中文翻译。“CMP”中的“C”代表酒庄CHATEAU,“M”代表荣誉的酒产自波尔多梅多克地区MEDOC,“P”代表获得荣誉的地方巴黎PARIS。庄园诞生 杜兰德——CMP巴黎庄园的创始人。其家族曾在公元12世纪法国卡佩王朝中期声名显赫。杜兰德当时是十字军团的一位将军,他在第八次东征结束后,到波尔多梅多克地区...
Nous avonsplus de 100 métiers différents: de l’acheteur au juriste; du marketeur au graphiste ; du cariste au merchandiseur, etc. nous proposons des postes d’avenir. Nous offrons de multiples opportunités d’envisager une carrière riche et épanouie en capitalisant sur un parcours inte...
Our main task is to offer the most efficient solutions to CMP Paris and its customers.This includes in a daily basis production follow up, quality control, shipping coordination and exporting goods from China.Now with almost 80 staffs in CMP Ningbo, we are looking for high calibre individuals ...
“CMP”中的“C”代表酒庄CHATEAU,“M”代表荣誉的酒产自波尔多梅多克地区MEDOC,“P”代表获得荣誉的地方巴黎PARIS,CMP中文译为巴黎庄园。CMP巴黎庄园 发展到19世纪,巴黎庄园葡萄酒已经成为法国贵族阶层的生活必需品,产品供不应求。为了适应发展,CMP巴黎庄园中国代表处应运而生,由显赫一时的杜兰德家族直系继承人...
CMP Paris GroupOverview Year Founded 1957 Status Private Employees 350 Latest Deal Type 2ndary - Private Financing Rounds 4 CMP Paris GroupGeneral Information Description Designer and manufacturer of home and personal products. The company offers a wide range of products including cooking and tableware...
Rating Derivation Summary: Fitch Ratings classifies Credit Municipal de Paris (CMP) as a government-related entity (GRE) of City of Paris (AA-/Stable) under it
storage space. offices in paris, warsaw, barcelona, hong kong, ningbo and canton the internationalisation of all processes : design, purchasing, quality & compliance exporter to 75 countries (the netherlands, spain, poland, belgium, italy, england, colombia, bolivia, morocco, algeria, russia, isra...