I shot at The National Matches in around 1980 w/ my team and my Coach, David Lyman from Blue Trail Rifle Range in Middlefield, CT. What I remember most were the sleeping conditions and shower accommodations lol. I’m sure they’ve been nicely updated by now ;-) And the Military Police...
CPT Cliffton Allen and CW3 Cara Krauss of the Vermont Army National Guard came to win at the 2023 New England CMP Games and Highpower Matches, held in Vermont in September. The pair led 11 different pistol competitions, collectively, during the event – including a joint victory in the 2-...
In order to determine the modified damping ratio, motion analysis is iteratively performed by adjusting the damping ratio applied to the potential flow program until the peak value of the RAOs matches the calculated results from the CFD in the second stage. The procedure for calculating the ...