Chapter 5 MOS Inverters: Static Characteristics MOS 反相器的静态特性 5.1Introduction 概述 5.2Resistive-Load Inverter 电阻负载型反相器 5.3Inverters with MOSFET Load MOSFET 负载反相器 5.4CMOS Inverter CMOS 反相器 Appendix: Sizing Trends of CMOS Inverter with Small-Geometry Devices ...
Inverter 5.1TheCMOSInverter:静态CMOS反相器 VDDVin VoutCL •成本:复杂性、面积表示•完整性和稳定性:静态(稳态)特性表示•性能:动态(瞬态)响应决定•能量效率:功耗和能耗决定 ©DigitalIntegratedCircuits2nd Inverter 5.2StaticCMOSInverter(静态CMOS反相器)VDD NWellPMOS VDD2l PMOS Contacts In Out In...
Inverter 5.1TheCMOSInverter:静态CMOS反相器 VDDVin VoutCL •成本:复杂性、面积表示•完整性和稳定性:静态(稳态)特性表示•性能:动态(瞬态)响应决定•能量效率:功耗和能耗决定 ©DigitalIntegratedCircuits2nd Inverter 5.2StaticCMOSInverter(静态CMOS反相器)VDD NWellPMOS VDD2l PMOS Contacts In Out In...
2.5 dc transfer characteristics 2.5.1 complementary cmos inverter de characteristics 94 2.5.2 beta ratio effects 97 2.5.3 noise margin 98 2.5.4 ratioed inverter transfer function 100 2.5,5 pass transistor dc characteristics 101 2.5.6 tristate inverter 102 ...
1、Section 5.1Exercises and Design Problems181CHAPTERTHE CMOS INVERTERQuantification of integrity, performanee, and energy metrics of an inverterOptimization of an inverter design5.1Exercises and Design Problems5.4.2Propagation Delay: First-OrderAnalysis5.2The Static CMOS Inverter An IntuitivePerspecti 2、...
-MOSFETcurrentcharacteristics -MOSFETcapacitance TentativeCourseoutline(cont.) MOSinverters:staticanddynamiccharacteristics -NMOSinverterwithdifferentloads -CMOSinverter MOSinverters:Switchingcharacteristics -Delaytimedefinition -Inverterdesignanddelayconstraints
集成电路设计—CMOS反相器 * 集成电路设计 第五章CMOS反相器 * Outline 电路特性 反相器 CMOS反相器电压传输特性 噪声容限 传输延迟 驱动大电容负载 功耗及低功耗设计 * 5-1特性 成本 复杂性和面积 完整性和稳定性 静态(稳态)特性 性能 动态(瞬态)特性 能量效率 能耗和功率 * 5-2反相器(Inverter)V in ...
5.2The Static CMOS Inverter—An Intuitive Perspective 5.3Evaluating the Robustness of the CMOS Inverter:The Static Behavior 5.3.1Switching Threshold 5.3.2Noise Margins 5.3.3Robustness Revisited 5.4Performance of CMOS Inverter:The Dynamic Behavior 5.4.1Computing the Capacitances 5.4.2...
2.5.1 Static CMOS Inverter DC Characteristics 88 2.5.1 Static CMOS Inverter DC Characteristics 88 2.5.2 Beta Ratio Effects 90 2.5.2 Beta Ratio Effects 90 2.5.3 Noise Margin 91 2.5.3 Noise Margin 91 2.5.4 Pass Transistor DC Characteristics 92 2.5.4 Pass Transistor DC Characteristics 92 2.6...