(可选择) *GAPPOR432 或井的指导量 *GUIDEP *GUIDEI 433 不在 控制下的 或 选择) *GCPOFF *GCIOFF436 井的生产时间分数(可选择) *ON-TIME437 生产井井口压力数据(条件) *PTUBE438 中止模补充(要求) *STOP447 WINPROP450 第一章 数据集结构和控制450 第二章 组分 452 第三章 常用选择 455 第四...
cmg许可使用指南.pdf,This publication and the application described in it are furnished under license exclusively to the licensee, for only, and are subject to a ity agreement. They may be used only in accordance with the terms and conditions of that agre
Upto2,000,000blocksforIMEX;upto600,000blocksforGEM;upto500,000 blocksforSTARS. •4Processors,2dualcoreIntelXeon5520orbetter. •12GBRAM 2••AGuidetoInstallingCMGSoftwareonLinuxandAIXWorkstations •• VeryLargeModels Upto8,000,000blocksforIMEX;upto2,000,000blocksforGEMorSTARS. •4or8...
5. It is now sible for a user to specify t an ernally generated tab ased on GEM’s WHP correlation be used for computing tubing he re re. The keyword which invokes this technique is *WHPCRTB, the pur e of which is to allow faster simulations using the WHP correlation with nearly ...
GEM 新功能介绍1.模拟器更新1.1离子交换模拟GEM的地球化学模拟功能包含离子交换机理的模拟,涉及到固体表面一个离子被另外一个离子交换。实现了低矿化度水驱的模拟。查看 gmsmo056.dat, 和gmsmo057.dat。1.2 CBM 模拟CBM 模拟功能得到加强:a) 添加了基于生产潜能的自动钻井时间表优先排序准则。查看 templates gms ...
GEM 新功能介绍1.模拟器更新1.1离子交换模拟GEM的地球化学模拟功能包含离子交换机理的模拟,涉及到固体表面一个离子被另外一个离子交换。实现了低矿化度水驱的模拟。查看 gmsmo056.dat, 和gmsmo057.dat。1.2 CBM 模拟CBM 模拟功能得到加强:a) 添加了基于生产潜能的自动钻井时间表优先排序准则。查看 ...
Upto2,000,000blocksforIMEX;upto600,000blocksforGEM;upto500,000 blocksforSTARS. •4Processors,2dualcoreIntelXeon5520orbetter. •12GBRAM 2••AGuidetoInstallingCMGSoftwareonLinuxandAIXWorkstations •• VeryLargeModels Upto8,000,000blocksforIMEX;upto2,000,000blocksforGEMorSTARS. ...