CMFCListCtrl::RemoveSortColumn从已排序列的列表中移除排序列。C++ 复制 void RemoveSortColumn(int iColumn); 参数iColumn [in] 要移除的列。备注此方法从标头控件中移除排序列。 它调用 CMFCHeaderCtrl::RemoveSortColumn。CMFCListCtrl::SetSortColumn设置当前已排序列和排序顺序。
virtual void Sort( int iColumn, BOOL bAscending = TRUE, BOOL bAdd = FALSE ); Parameters [in] iColumn The column to sort. [in] bAscending A Boolean that specifies the sort order. [in] bAdd A Boolean that specifies whether this method adds the column indicated by iColumn to the list...
CMFCListCtrl::EnableMultipleSort 启用多个排序模式。 CMFCListCtrl::GetHeaderCtrl 返回对带下划线的标头控件。 CMFCListCtrl::IsMultipleSort 检查列表控件是否在多个排序模式。 CMFCListCtrl::OnCompareItems 调用由框架,它在必须比较时两个列表控件项目。 CMFCListCtrl::OnGetCellBkColor 调用由框架,则必须确定单个单元格的背...
CMFCListCtrl::RemoveSortColumn Removes a sort column from the list of sorted columns. CMFCListCtrl::SetSortColumn Sets the current sorted column and the sort order. CMFCListCtrl::Sort Sorts the list control.RemarksCMFCListCtrl offers two enhancements to CListCtrl Class class. First, it indicates that...
CMFCListCtrl::RemoveSortColumn Removes a sort column from the list of sorted columns. CMFCListCtrl::SetSortColumn Sets the current sorted column and the sort order. CMFCListCtrl::Sort Sorts the list control.RemarksCMFCListCtrl offers two enhancements to CListCtrl Class class. First, it indicates that...
CMFCListCtrl::RemoveSortColumn Removes a sort column from the list of sorted columns. CMFCListCtrl::SetSortColumn Sets the current sorted column and the sort order. CMFCListCtrl::Sort Sorts the list control.RemarksCMFCListCtrl offers two enhancements to CListCtrl Class class. First, it indicates that...
CMFCListCtrl::RemoveSortColumn Removes a sort column from the list of sorted columns. CMFCListCtrl::SetSortColumn Sets the current sorted column and the sort order. CMFCListCtrl::Sort Sorts the list control.RemarksCMFCListCtrl offers two enhancements to CListCtrl Class class. First, it indicates that...
CMFCListCtrl::RemoveSortColumn Removes a sort column from the list of sorted columns. CMFCListCtrl::SetSortColumn Sets the current sorted column and the sort order. CMFCListCtrl::Sort Sorts the list control.RemarksCMFCListCtrl offers two enhancements to CListCtrl Class class. First, it indicates that...
BOOL IsMultipleSort() const; Return ValueTRUE if the list control supports multiple sort; FALSE otherwise.RemarksWhen a CMFCListCtrl Class supports multiple sorting, the user can sort the data in the list control by multiple columns. To enable multiple sorting, call CMFCListCtrl::EnableMultipleSort...