CMFCCaptionBar 类 CMFCCaptionButton 类 CMFCCmdUsageCount 类 CMFCColorBar 类 CMFCColorButton 类 CMFCColorDialog 类 CMFCColorMenuButton 类 CMFCColorPickerCtrl 类 CMFCColorPopupMenu 类 CMFCCustomColorsPropertyPage 类 CMFCDesktopAlertDialog 类 ...
CMFCCaptionBar 对象是可显示三个元素的控制条:按钮、文本标签和位图。 它可以一次只显示每个类型的组件。 您可以对齐每个元素到控件的左边缘或右边缘或为中心。 还可将简单列表或三维样式应用于标题栏的顶部和底部边界。复制 class CMFCCaptionBar : public CPane 成员...
class CMyCaptionBar : public CMFCCaptionBar { public: DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CMyCaptionBar) CMyCaptionBar() { // 初始化代码,如设置默认背景颜色等 m_backgroundColor = RGB(255, 0, 0); // 例如,设置为红色 } protected: DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() // 重写OnDrawBackground方法 void OnDrawBackground(CDC* ...
CMFCCaptionBar::EnableButtonEnables or disables the button on the caption bar. CMFCCaptionBar::GetAlignmentReturns the alignment of the specified element. CMFCCaptionBar::GetBorderSizeReturns the border size of the caption bar. CMFCCaptionBar::GetButtonRectRetrieves the bounding rectangle of the ...
CMFCCaptionBar::CreateCreates the caption bar control and attaches it to the CMFCCaptionBar object.Copy BOOL Create( DWORD dwStyle, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT uID, int nHeight=-1, BOOL bIsMessageBarMode=FALSE); ParametersdwStyle The logical OR combination of the caption bar styles....
CMFCButton Class CMFCCaptionBar Class CMFCCaptionBar Class CMFCCaptionBar::Create CMFCCaptionBar::DoesAllowDynInsertBefore CMFCCaptionBar::EnableButton CMFCCaptionBar::GetAlignment CMFCCaptionBar::GetBorderSize CMFCCaptionBar::GetButtonRect CMFCCaptionBar::GetMargin CMFCCaptionBar::IsMessageBarMode...
CMFCCaptionBar::CreateCreates the caption bar control and attaches it to the CMFCCaptionBar object.Copy BOOL Create( DWORD dwStyle, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT uID, int nHeight=-1, BOOL bIsMessageBarMode=FALSE); ParametersdwStyle The logical OR combination of the caption bar styles....
CMFCCaptionBar::RemoveBitmapRemoves the bitmap image from the caption bar. CMFCCaptionBar::RemoveButtonRemoves the button from the caption bar. CMFCCaptionBar::RemoveIconRemoves the icon from the caption bar. CMFCCaptionBar::RemoveTextRemoves the text label from the caption bar. ...
CMFCCaptionBar::RemoveBitmapRemoves the bitmap image from the caption bar. CMFCCaptionBar::RemoveButtonRemoves the button from the caption bar. CMFCCaptionBar::RemoveIconRemoves the icon from the caption bar. CMFCCaptionBar::RemoveTextRemoves the text label from the caption bar. ...
A CBCGPCaptionBar object is a control bar with a row of "elements": button, text label and image. It can contain only one element of each type in one time. Each element can be aligned to the left or right edges of the control or to the center. A caption bar has top and bottom ...