请问,思源笔记有没有类似【cMenu Plugin 以及在此基础上开发的 obsidian-editing-toolbar 插件】的功能? 本贴最后更新于803天前,其中的信息可能已经时移世异 如题,新入坑“笔记”用户,想问问有没有类似的插件或挂件?就像编辑这个帖子时或 Microsoft Word 最上面的【工具栏】。 733 x 1431862 x 364...
obsidian-editing-toolbar Plugin Thanks to thecmenuplugin, which gave me a lot of inspiration, but this plugin has not been maintained for more than a year, so I re-modified it and added a lot of interesting features, including the top toolbar, cursor following, etc., so editing toolbar...
双流赵师傅 推荐一些目前在用的OB插件(排名不分先后) linter;advanced slides;calendar;clear unused images;cmenu;Custom Frames;dataview;emoji toolbar;excalidraw;file explorer note count;footnote shortcut;image toolkit;kanban;media extended;note refactor;number headings;obsidian memos;pandoc plugin;proxy githu...