CME定义-中英文对照 定义 法案或商品交易法案(CEA)法案或商品交易法案是指商品交易法案,以不定期修订版为准。大宗交易(Block Trade)私下协商而非公开竞价进行的期货或期货期权交易,标的为根据详细条款制定的指定合约。大宗交易的管理办法参见规则手册第526条。董事会(Board)交易所董事会或其它获得董事会授权代表其...
Futures traders tend to be more short-term oriented than stock and ETF traders. Most of my trades in the futures market are intended to be speculative, meaning I will be out the position within 24 hours or even by the end of the trading session. Generally, stock market traders and investo...
The FTX proposal asks that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission amend its registration to allow it to lend money to its customers to buy bitcoin and ether futures 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. / Cryptocurrencies Melt Down in a ‘Perfect Storm’ of Fea...
The fate of stock options with a face value of trillions of dollars is being influenced by unusual trading activity in the S&P 500 outside regular market hours, new research has found. A monthly pattern sees key prices jump just before the expiration of derivatives tied to the benchmark US ...
•OntheNewYorktradingoor •Bilaterallyviatheover-the-countermarketandclearing throughCMEClearPort SilverMonthlyVolumeandMonth-EndOpenInterest Forthelatestonreal-timepri es,pleasevisit me roup. om/metalsquotes. ContractSpecifcations 5,000-oz. ilverFuturesOptions ProductSymbolSISO Venue&Hours (EasternTime...
In Case You Missed It – JLN Managed Futures John Lothian News Though yesterday was a holiday in the U.S. market, we opted to publish our twice-a-month managed futures newsletter. It begins with our video interview with Mark de...