Real-time, delayed and historical complete tick-level market data feed for US futures and options from Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).
CHICAGO,Feb. 10, 2025/PRNewswire/ -- CME Group, the world's leading derivatives marketplace, today announced its new physically-delivered Ethanol futures and options are now available for trading. A total of five futures contracts traded onFebruary 7, 2025. "We are ple...
future exchange, Chicago Merchantile Exchange (CME), Great Britain's provider of environmental and weather-related services, Met Office and provider of data products and indexes, Weather Xchange Ltd. are planning to develop global weather futures and options contracts. Information on letter of intent...
CME产品主要提供农业futures options,能源板块,emini sp500 emininasdaq,emini Russell2000(equities),FX futures&options(AUDUSD, CADUSD, EURUAD, GBPUSD, JPYUSD, CHFUSD)重金属,利率期货和期权(eurodollars,2yr note,5yr note,10yr note,30yr bond,fed funds) 交易量/数据量:一个资产每日交易(midnight ...
Learn how to trade feeder cattle futures and options with our free practice account. Call 800-926-4468 ans speak with a federally licensed commodity broker now.
And CME Group will introduce the first weekly Bitcoin futures contracts on September 30, sized at one fiftieth of a Bitcoin and cash-settled against the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate New York Variant, providing more flexible trading options for Bitcoin investors. It appears from his Lin...
Record annual SOFR futures and options ADV of 5.2 million contracts Record annual Interest Rate options ADV of 2.9 million contracts Record annual 10-YearU.S.Treasury Note futures ADV of 2.3 million contracts Record annual 5-YearU.S.Treasury Note futures ADV of 1.7 million contracts ...
overallcostofborrowingandfinancing.CMEtradesmoreshort-term interestratefuturesandoptionsthananyotherexchangeinthe world.ThecornerstoneoftheCMEinterestrateproductlineisCME Eurodollarfutures,theworld’smostactivelytradedfuturescontract. Inaddition,CMEEurodollaroptionsarethemostactivelytraded ...
CME Group recently reported its highest-ever Q1 average daily volume of 7.8 million contracts in U.S. Treasury futures and options, an increase of 12% year-over-year. Micro U.S. Treasury futures are cash-settled and one-tenth of the size of Ultra 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note futures and...
COMEX is the world’s most prominent futures and options exchange for trading metals, such as gold, silver, aluminum, and copper. It was founded in 1933 through a merger among four New York-based exchanges — the National Metal Exchange, the New York Hide Exchange, the Rubber Exchange of ...