Alt+F4 关闭所有页签 Alt+Shift+1 开启cmd.exe Alt+Shift+2 开启powershell.exe Alt+Shift+3 开启powershell.exe (系统管理员权限) Ctrl+1 快速切换到第1个页签 Ctrl+n 快速切换到第n个页签( n值无上限) Alt + enter 切换到全屏状态 Ctr+r 历史命令搜索 Tab 自动路径补全 Ctrl+T 建立新页签 Ctrl+...
cmderdev.github.ioPublic The page. clinkPublicForked frommridgers/clink Bash's powerful command line editing in cmd.exe cmder_wiki_filesPublic vendorsPublic archive Simple json files for cmder's required and optional 3rd party packages. ...
cmd /s /k ""%ConEmuDir%\..\init.bat" [ADD ARGS HERE]" Command Line Arguments for init.batArgumentDescriptionDefault /c [user cmder root] Enables user bin and config folders for 'Cmder as admin' sessions due to non-shared environment. not set /d Enables debug output. not set /f ...
'%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-liases.cmd' /v Enables verbose output. not set Added new cmder.exe /C \<path\> argument To use run Cmder.exe with "/C" command line argument. Example: cmder.exe /C %userprofile%\cmder_config To use run with Cmder as Admin sessions you must specify "/c...
1.cmder是windows下的命令行工具,用来替代windows自带的cmd。 下载地址: 。 2.说明:有一个mini版本,就几M大小,这个也就用来替代windows的cmd,上述几点诟病已经能够解决。 full版本比较大,100多M,模拟了一些常用linux命令(比如ls、cat、more、cp、mv、rm、find、grep等),自带git,而且自带vi.....
关于ConEmu Here 注册时 Integration 页无法保存的情况,直接改上面 shell 命令就可以,把原来的 {cmd} 改为 Tasks 里相应的名称,否则提示 Command group {cmd} not found Environment 也无法保存的问题,直接修改 E:developsoftcmdervendorconemu-maximus5ConEmu.xml ,添加 set LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 <value name="En...
Cmder includes Clink as one of its components and integrates it with cmd.exe by default. 👉 Note:In caseClinkisdisabledfor some reason, Cmder will fall back to asimilar promptusing the nativePROMPTcommand, which is not customized using the instructions below. If loading Clink is skipped or ...
'%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-aliases.cmd' /v Enables verbose output. not set Added new cmder.exe /C \<path\> argument To use run Cmder.exe with "/C" command line argument. Example: cmder.exe /C %userprofile%\cmder_config To use run with Cmder as Admin sessions you must specify "/c...
'%CMDER_ROOT%\config\user-aliases.cmd' /v Enables verbose output. not set Added new cmder.exe /C \<path\> argument To use run Cmder.exe with "/C" command line argument. Example: cmder.exe /C %userprofile%\cmder_config To use run with Cmder as Admin sessions you must specify "/c...
Tab-Complete paths not working [1.2.9] #691 The directory be duplicate displayed #689 Don't work at my windows 7 (misiing api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll) #682 Use tab to cycle through auto complete, like the original cmd does? #681 git: 'pull' is not a git command. See ...