--default-search PREFIX 使用此前缀补充不完整的URLs,例如:"ytsearch2 yt-dl" 从youtube搜索并下载两个关于yt-dl视频. 使用"auto"youtube-dl就会猜一个,一般效果等价于"ytsearch"("auto_warning"猜测时加入警告).我已知支持的PREFIX:ytsearch (youtube), ytsearchdate (youtube), yvsearch (yahoo videos)...
python -m youtube_dl [YouTube视频链接] > nul 这个命令中,python -m youtube_dl是运行yt-dl的命令,[YouTube视频链接]是你想要下载的YouTube视频链接。> nul部分将输出流重定向到空设备,从而隐藏了yt-dl的输出。 需要注意的是,这个方法只会隐藏yt-dl的输出,但不会影响下载的进程。如果想要完全隐藏yt-dl...
yt-dlp https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1jS4y1o7Fc --output D:\Videos\sspai_test.mp4 --write-thumbnail choco search youtube-dl -r -e VirtualDesktop11 /w /right powershell -nologo -file D:\tools\init.ps1 尽管它们功能、用法大相径庭,但命令的构成却出奇地一致:命令名,动作,参数,它们之...
youtube-dl offers a large number of download options. This is how to set them.Click Edit > General download options...A new window opens. Any changes you make in this window aren't actually applied until you click the 'Apply' or 'OK' buttons....
ERROR: Incomplete YouTube ID G6_DldYj0u. URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6_DldYj0u looks truncated. ;- or if OK : [youtube] G6_DldYj0uQ: Downloading webpage [download] Destination: Ye Lai Xiang-G6_DldYj0uQ.mp4
(ext)s'), # Output file template 'extract_flat': True, # Extract only the direct video URL 'format': 'best', } ydl = yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) with ydl: metadata = ydl.extract_info(link, download=False) height = metadata['height'] width = metadata['width'] caption = f'🎬...
request.WriteError("forming the download command",nil)return}varproc *StdoutProcessorifpipe, e := cmd.StdoutPipe(); e !=nil{ request.WriteError("setting youtube-dl pipe", e)return}else{ proc = NewStdoutProcessor(&pipe) }ife := cmd.Start(); e !=nil{ ...
request.WriteError("forming the download command",nil)return}varproc *StdoutProcessorifpipe, e := cmd.StdoutPipe(); e !=nil{ request.WriteError("setting youtube-dl pipe", e)return}else{ proc = NewStdoutProcessor(&pipe) }ife := cmd.Start(); e !=nil{ ...
logged on whoami Print the current user id and name (`id -un') write Send a message to another user x xargs Execute utility - passing arguments xattr Display and manipulate extended attributes youtube-dl Download video yes Print a string until interrupted zip Package and compress (archive) ...
Go to[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\Autorun] Change the value to@chcp 65001>nul 不想改windows 语言设置,所以总要在cmd.exe 启动后,加 chcp 437 ,很麻烦。 用下面的文章 -cmd /K chcp 437, 舒服多了。 How to run a command on command prompt startup in Windows...