from import expected_conditions as ec from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException # 等待页面加载,即页面中的加载等待旋转框消失为止 def wait_until_not(self, *selector): element = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10, 0.1, ignored_exceptions=TimeoutException).until_not(...
waittime (1)SendKeys "(X)", True '按字母 "X", 选择"退出(X)"waittime (2)SendKeys "(N)", True '弹出一个对话框,询问文件是否存盘,按 "N" 不存盘 End '结束本模拟程序 End Sub Private Sub waittime(delay As Single)Dim starttime As Single starttime = Timer Do Until (Ti...
10、-k host-list 利用 computer-list 指定的计算机列表路由数据包。连续计算机不能被中间网关分隔(路由严格源)IP 允许的最大数量为 9。11、-w timeout 指定超时间隔,单位为毫秒。12、-t--连续对IP地址执行Ping命令,直到被用户以Ctrl+C中断。参考资料:<a href="
TheCMDSemWaitfunction waits until a RAM semaphore is cleared. Syntax USHORT FAR CMDSemWait( ULONG FAR *ramSem, ULONG timeOut ); Parameters ramSem Address of the semaphore. timeOut Length of time in milliseconds to wait before returning. ...
1、在电脑上面按"win+R"键打开运行,在输入框中输入cmd,点击确定。2、点击之后,进去到了cmd命令控制台,如下图所示。3、首先可以用“ipconfig”命令查看本机ip。4、接下来就可以使用"ping 本机ip",来查看检验本机ip是否正确。5、输入“ping”命令来检查本地的TCP/IP协议是否是...
UntilActivity UpdateIntegrationRuntimeNodeRequest UpdateIntegrationRuntimeRequest UserAccessPolicy UserProperty ValidationActivity VariableSpecification VariableType VerticaLinkedService VerticaSource VerticaTableDataset WaitActivity WarehouseLinkedService WarehouseSink WarehouseSource WarehouseTableDataset WebActivity WebActivit...
public: int GetCmdUIContextCookie(Guid % rguidCmdUI, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::UInt32 % pdwCmdUICookie); Parameters rguidCmdUI Guid [in] GUID representing a specific command UI context. Command UI context GUID values are defined by the environment and by VSPackages to meet...
Wait for a signal: waitfor [/tTimeout]SignalNameSend a signal: waitfor [/sComputer[/u [Domain\]User[/p [Password]]]/siSignalNameKey /sComputerThe name or IP address of the computer to signal (do not include backslashes). /uUserRun the script using the credentials of the specified use...
7.docker wait 阻塞运行直到容器停止,然后打印出它的退出代码。 8.docker export 将文件系统作为一个tar归档文件导出到STDOUT 容器rootfs命令 1.docker commit 从容器创建一个新的镜像。 2. docker cp 用于容器与主机之间的数据拷贝。 3.docker diff 检查容器里文件结构的更改。