schupgr.exe > it will read the schema update files (.ldf files) and upgrade the schema. (part of adsi) 读取计划更新文件和更新计划 secedit.exe > starts security editor help 自动安全性配置管理 services.exe > controls all the services 控制所有服务 sethc.exe > set high contrast - changes col...
范例下例将从安装 CD 上的驱动程序 CAB 文件中提取 Msgame.sys 文件并将其 复制到C:WindowsSystemDrivers :expand d:i386driver.cabf:msgame.sys c:windowssystemdrivers下例将展开压缩文件 Access.cp_ :expand d:i386acces.cp_c:window 66、ssystem32access.cpl下例将列出安装 CD 上的驱动程序 CAB 文件中的...
Specify the name of a driver package to get all drivers in it. Laienda tabel Type: String Aliases: PackageName Position: Named Default value: None Required: True Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False -Fast Add this parameter to not automatically refresh lazy properties...
setup /auto upgrade /migratedrivers none /installdrivers N:\NewDrivers 适用性展开表 配置适用 从WinPE 启动Setup.exe 否 从Windows 10 或更高版本启动 Setup.exe 是 用于功能更新的 setupconfig.ini 文件 是备注 可以指定 All 或 None。 默认情况下,Windows 安装程序会根据安装选择来确定哪个值最适合每个驱...
找到hosts 文件 hosts 文件的路径C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc 修改hosts文件 打开hosts文件后,在最下面添加以下两行内容,保存203.208.40.66 3、修改完成后,保存,**重启 Chrome ** 即可! 可以使用内置翻译了!其他依赖谷歌翻译的插件也恢复了正常!
Update drivers and firmware for SSD Optimize or disable page files for SSD Turn off the System Restore How Can We Help You About the Author Updated by Sherly Sherly joined EaseUS in 2022 and she has always loved writing articles and enjoys the fun they bring. She receives professional...
expand d:/i386/ c:/windows/system/drivers 下例将展开压缩文件 Access.cp_: expand d:/i386/acces.cp_c:/windows/system32/access.cpl 下例将列出安装 CD 上的驱动程序 CAB 文件中的所有文件。 expand /d d:/i386/ ...
a driver updater program. A good driver update service ensure that you have current compatible drivers and builds a backup of all current drivers before making any changes. Backup drivers provide you with the comfort of knowing that if anything goes wrong, you can roll back to previous drivers...
I have two device drivers to choose for the camera. in the UI I go: Device Manager -> Device -> Update Drivers -> Browse my computer for driver software -> Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer -> Select one of two…
The output shows all the commands from the CMD session from oldest to newest. 23. driverquery Command Thedriverquerycommand displays the installed device drivers and their information. The command works for both local andremote accessmachines. ...