例:shutdown /r /t 0 立即重启本地主机(无延时) taskill /参数 进程名或进程的pid 终止一个或多个任务和进程。 参数说明:/PID 要终止进程的pid,可用tasklist命令获得各进程的pid,/IM 要终止的进程的进程名,/F 强制终止进程,/T 终止指定的进程及 参考资料: 华东黑客联盟 ...
'PID':data[1],'Session Name':data[2],'Session #:':data[3],'Mem Usage':' '.join(data[4:]),}processes.append(process)returnprocesses# 解析任务列表
Explanation: Terminates one or more running processes by name or PID. 48. shutdown Syntax: shutdown [/options] Explanation: Shuts down or restarts the computer. 49. sfc Syntax: sfc /scannow Explanation: Initiates the System File Checker tool to scan and repair system files. 50. chkdsk Syntax...
一个进程在向管道写入数据后,另 一进程就可以从管道的另一端将其读取出来。匿名管道(Anonymous Pipes...
arp [options] [address]Copy Without any parameters, thearpcommand shows the help window. To show the ARP cache table, run the following command: arp -aCopy The output lists all the current ARP entries grouped by network interface. 2. assoc Command ...
@echo off rem there is a tab in the file at the end of the line below set tab= set cmd=javaw -jar lib\MyProg.jar set dir=%~dp0 echo Starting MyProg set pid=notfound for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims=;=%tab% " %%i in ( `wmic process call create "%cmd%"...
Syntax: TASKKILL [/S system] [/U username] [/FI filter] [/PID processid | /IM imagename] [/T] [/F] Example: TASKKILL /IM notepad.exe /F Ends one or more tasks or processes. The example command forcefully terminates all instances of Notepad. ...
--version Show version--defaults-file=<file>configuration file--verbose-shutdown Always log the exit code when shutting down--daemon Start in daemon-mode--basedir=<absolute path>Base directory to prepend to relative paths in the config--pid-file=<file>PID file in case we are started as ...
参数说明:/PID 要终止进程的pid,可用tasklist命令获得各进程的pid,/IM 要终止的进程的进程名,/F 强制终止进程,/T 终止指定的进程及他所启动的子进程。 tasklist 显示当前运行在本地和远程主机上的进程、服务、服务各进程的进程标识符(PID)。 参数说明:/M 列出当前进程加载的dll文件,/SVC 显示出每个进程对应的...