我不仅添加-w参数(该参数为rar.exe的命令行参数,用于指定工作目录)为rar.exe命令指定工作目录,同时利用p.setWorkingDirectory()为启动的进程指定工作目录,运行之后报错,说找不到文件,我猜可能还是工作目录的问题,但是不知道问题在哪里,查了很多资料都无济于事,最终还是放弃了这种尝试,改成了下面的尝试: QProcess p...
var cmd = Cli.Wrap("git") .WithCredentials(creds => creds .SetDomain("some_workspace"...
QProcess p(NULL); p.setWorkingDirectory(szAppPath+"/database");//指定工作路径,这个地方一定要设置; p.start(szCmd);//开进程执行命令; while(p.state() != QProcess::NotRunning)//延时; { QTime delayTime = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(100); while( QTime::currentTime() < delayTime)...
IShellLinkW::SetRelativePath 方法 IShellLinkW::SetShowCmd 方法 IShellLinkW::SetWorkingDirectory 方法 IShellMenu 接口 IShellMenuCallback 接口 IShellPropSheetExt 接口 IShellTaskScheduler 接口 IShellView 接口 IShellView2 接口 ISuspensionDependencyManager 接口 ITaskbarList 接口 ITaskbarList2 接口 ITaskba...
pwd (Print Working Directory): 打印当前工作目录的路径。 mkdir (Make Directory): 创建新目录。例如,mkdir NewFolder 将在当前目录下创建一个名为 “NewFolder” 的新目录。 rm (Remove): 删除文件或目录。使用时要小心,因为这是一个不可逆的操作。例如,rm file.txt 将删除名为 “file.txt” 的文件。
If the -U option is used and the -P option isn't used, and the SQLCMDPASSWORD environment variable hasn't been set, sqlcmd prompts the user for a password. We don't recommend the use of a null (blank) password, but you can specify the null password by using a pair of contiguous...
Set working directory for commands varcommands=[ 'mkdir foo', 'touch foo/bar.txt' ]; varoptions={cwd:'path/to/my/dir'}; nrc.run(commands,options); Set different working directory for each command varcommands=[ {command:'mkdir foo',cwd:'dir1'}, ...
SET SQLCMDPASSWORD= p@a$$w0rd Security Note The password will be visible to anyone who can see your computer monitor. At the following command prompt, type: sqlcmd If the user name and password combination is incorrect, the OLE DB provider generates an error message. ...
(with-working-directory (dir) (cmd ...) (cmd ...)) ≡ (progn (cmd :in dir ...) (cmd :in dir ...)) The external program’s environment For Unix users only, the variable *cmd-env* holds an alist of extra environment variables to set for each call to cmd. (let ((*cmd-env...
C:\> SET sqlcmdini=c:\init.sql >1 Sqlcmd This is the output. >1 < user > is connected to < server > (9.00.2047.00) NoteThe-Xoption disables the startup script feature. F. Variable expansion The following example shows working with data in the form of asqlcmdvariable. ...